Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11th, 2009 ~ Receiving Gifts to Give

Are you using the gifts God gave to share with others?

Today's Scripture:

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
1 Peter 4:10

Imagine it's your birthday and you go into the kitchen where a number of colored packages stacked on the table. The packages are of all sizes and shapes, but you tear into them eagerly as the members of your family look on.
The first one opened, you find a little necklace with a heart on it. It's pretty, but the heart has an inscription: "A discerning heart." You open another package, and in it you find another strange item- a little rocket. It also has an inscription: "Boosting others." Still others read "Teaching," "Helping others," and "Exhortation" (challenging others to be their best).

You continue going through the packages, and suddenly you realize these aren't standard birthday gifts. They are spiritual gifts from heaven. On your spiritual gifts from heaven.

On your spiritual birthday-when you started believing in God - God gave you spiritual gifts.

The gifts are intangible, like the ability to encourage or comfort, the power to teach effectively or preach, the talent for leading or giving or helping in spiritual ways. These are personal packages of abilities, talents, and powers that God gives every person who loves him, but the mix of gifts is individualized so that no two people are exactly alike. No one else can help others in exactly the same way you can. Your gifts help you serve others effectively.

Selah people' and friends God gave you gifts for the purpose of service. Use those gifts. Give the multifaceted goodness of God to others. God will give back to you his grace, love, and joy.
"May we use all the gifts God gave us to help serve and bless others. Perhaps you can begin a new life today."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston