Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15th, 2009 ~ Resisting

God assures us that if you resist Satan will flee!

Today's Scripture:

Submit to God, Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

James 4:7

You're walking down the street along an outdoor mall much like we find in Smithfield, NC at what we know as the "Factory Stores." You promised yourself you wouldn't overspend today. Suddenly you pass a clothing store, and you see it: the perfect outfit. It's just your size, your color, and the absolute epitome of what you need right now. You are about to go in when you remember your promise. The outfit even on sale costs far more than you can spend.

You start to turn away when a strange man appears. He taps you on the shoulder and says, "You need it, darling. Why resist?" Reasons shoot into your brain, but he shakes his head. "Nonsense, my dear. You can put it on your credit card."

You are almost sucked in when you take a harder look at this man.

You've heard that same voice before. In your heart. Each time you've heard it in the past it has always caused you to feel regret once the damage was done and the bill arrives. It's the voice of the tempter, the enemy of God, the one the Bible calls Satan.

With all your might, you give this being a shove, kick him in the shins and a shot to the liver, then you turn around and walk off, calm, cool, and yes resurrected. Victory!

Believe it or not, temptation like this is real, for some more than others. The voice you hear in your head can be the enemy, seeking to deceive, trick, or goad you into doing things you know are not right. The way to handle such an attack is to remember James 4:7, a potent verse vitally important in the battle against temptation. Resist the enemy. God will empower you. You may even quote the verse aloud, using it as a sword to cut the sneaky webs of the enemy.

Selah people' and friends you may think the enticement to do wrong will never end, that you are trapped right where you are and that it will never get any better. But just as our scripture shares with us today God assures you and I: if you resist temptation, Satan will flee.

"It is my prayer that whatever your temptation is today that you will listen to God and turn a deaf ear to Satan. Turn away from temptation and turn towards Christ."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Mount Olive, NC 28365