Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 18, 2009 ~ The Attitude Cleaner

How you and I see things makes all the difference in our Christian walk?

Today's Scripture:

Do all things without complaining and disputing.

Philippians 2:14

Glenda took on a new attitude when she became a Christian. Instead of complaining about others as she used to do, she often said, "God isn't through with them yet." When before she might have run off into a stream of curses or sarcastic comments about some one's mistake, she now said things like "I guess God had a different idea about that one." And when things simply didn't go her way, she took the positive view and said, "Thanks, God. You're giving me something to think about" or "I hadn't thought about that, God."

Not everyone can have such an attitude overnight, but Philippians 2:14 points out the style of life God's followers should have: no grumbling, complaining, or put-downs. Instead, find words or praise, thanks, affirmation, and encouragement.

Some people say it is easier said than done, but the starting point is simply refusing to complain or criticize when things go wrong.

Fill your mind with good thoughts, healthy thinking, and words that refresh.

Memorize Scriptures that can drive out the grumbling and murmuring. Turn yourself into the one who always has something good to say, rather than be someone who always grumbles or makes snide comments. God will help you. Ask God to get involved with your attitude, and you'll find him reminding you when such words try to get out of your mouth. Remember, when your attitude is cleaner it shows to other people...your kids, your family and your co-workers. They can't help but see a change in you and often it will cause a change in them as well.

Selah people' and friends some one's Momma once said, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything." Maybe a variation will help for us today as believers in Christ: "If you don't have anything good to say, say something good anyway."

"Join me in breaking out the "mental floss" and let us clean our minds, our attitudes and begin this week with a fresh outlook on what a Christian attitude can be. If and only if we allow Christ to work in and through us."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

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