Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 21, 2009~You Can't Even Imagine It

God has big things planned for you ~
more than you or I can imagine!

Today's Scripture:

With God's power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.

Ephesians 3:20

Jan came home stunned by what she had heard that night. The speaker had challenged his listeners to start thinking big for God. At one point, he quoted the powerful Ephesians 3:20 and said, "If God told you that you could ask him to do anything in this world in the next year, what would you ask for? Jan didn't know, but she found herself thinking seriously about it.

She began to think bigger and wider than she'd ever thought before. The news about the tsunami in Southeast Asia had mobilized the world, and that was pretty big. But then she thought: What about an outpouring of God's Spirit on those people? How about the involvement of many others in helping them?

She began praying about that and other things. God soon led her to put wings to her prayers, and she got involved in a missions effort to Cambodia. She flew halfway around the world and helped those poor people start a fishing industry. It was miraculous. Many Cambodians became believers in Jesus, and fast friendships were formed that Jan knew would last forever.

Don't let anyone tell you that thinking big is not biblical.

God wants you to try to imagine greater things for him to do than ever before.

Lay them at his feet. Make them your heart's prayer.

Selah people' and friends when God does big things in the world, it is because his followers have prayed for big things to happen. Get involved. Pray big, and God will do big ~ more than you and I can think or imagine.

"Let us join together in "Big" thinking and may we accomplish even greater things than our feeble minds can even imagine. When he reveals it to us may we rejoice in our God."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Mount Olive, NC