Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27, 2009 ~ "When God Gives You a Time-Out"

Regardless of our age when God disciplines us
we need to accept it and ask him to forgive us and move on.

Today's Scripture:

I correct and punish those whom I love. So be eager to do right, and change your hearts and lives.

Revelation 3:19

Anyone who has worked with or raised small children is familiar with time-outs. When a child refuses to obey, smacks another tot, or infringes on other rules, he or she may be escorted to a chair for the time-out - often one minute per age. This gentle discipline system is designed to make kids stop, think about what they're doing, and make better choices. After the time-out is over, the child is free to rejoin the excitement.

As children grow up, their parents stop disciplining them, but even grownups sometimes still feel God's hand of correction. Different people respond in various manners when they face God's discipline. Some argue and refuse to admit they did anything wrong, or they put the blame on someone else. Others not only agree with God that they've done something wrong, but they also use the opportunity to beat themselves up emotionally - to go into a depression and think of how horrible they are. They hang on to the fact that they've don something wrong, and feel like a failure.

Like a time-out, God's discipline isn't meant to last forever. He doesn't "spiritually spank" people to be cruel or to flaunt his power. Instead, his discipline is designed to catch a person's attention, to show he or she where they went wrong, and to help them think of the better choices they'll make the next time.

Selah people' and friends the next time you feel God's discipline, accept it, ask him to forgive you, and move on. God wants your heart to walk in freedom from guilt.

"What sin are your carrying around on your back? Has God disciplined you and you just can't move forward? Join me in taking the first step in asking forgiveness from our creator and moving ahead with your life and all the greatness He has planned for you and your family. Don't keep sticking your tongue out and murmuring with others who have felt His wrath. You are just postponing the joy that awaits you."

Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile: Mount Olive, NC 28365
Selah Christian Church Disciples of Christ
Four Oaks, NC