Today's Scripture:
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
You are often admonished to know what you believe in. You believe in hard work, stewardship, and integrity. Or maybe you believe in talent, fate, or luck. Knowing what you believe can help guide your path in life. But a question can be posed. In whom do you believe?
From early in life you are encouraged to believe in yourself. "Trust your instincts and appreciate your gifts," you have been told. You may have been reared or raised to stand on your own two feet in independence. Self-awareness, capability, and confidence are indeed desirable qualities in a leader. However, trusting in your own abilities or potential will sustain you only temporarily with partial effectiveness.
It is not enough to have faith in yourself alone.
Faith in God is not based on ability, work ethic, or achievement. It is an expression of trust that God in his sovereignty will enable you to succeed. John 3:16 explains that when you believe in him, you will have not only temporary benefits, but God's eternal life-giving power. He is the source of all knowledge, power, and life. In the daily challenges of leading others, you can trust that God will empower you to accomplish your desires. When you feel powerless to resolve a matter, realize that your capability comes not only from your skill; you have access to the real power source that created you. Trust in his ability instead of your own. Allow God to show you a way where you see no way.
Selah people' and friends think about five areas of your life in which you are trusting in God alone to provide an answer or direction for you. Pray in faith and believe that he is the source of provision. I tell you this from my own experience that if you allow Him to God will take you places you never thought possible.
"Peace be yours as you choose today not to just have faith in yourself alone, but in our risen savior."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ via mobile @ Frema VW - Goldsboro, NC
From early in life you are encouraged to believe in yourself. "Trust your instincts and appreciate your gifts," you have been told. You may have been reared or raised to stand on your own two feet in independence. Self-awareness, capability, and confidence are indeed desirable qualities in a leader. However, trusting in your own abilities or potential will sustain you only temporarily with partial effectiveness.
It is not enough to have faith in yourself alone.
Faith in God is not based on ability, work ethic, or achievement. It is an expression of trust that God in his sovereignty will enable you to succeed. John 3:16 explains that when you believe in him, you will have not only temporary benefits, but God's eternal life-giving power. He is the source of all knowledge, power, and life. In the daily challenges of leading others, you can trust that God will empower you to accomplish your desires. When you feel powerless to resolve a matter, realize that your capability comes not only from your skill; you have access to the real power source that created you. Trust in his ability instead of your own. Allow God to show you a way where you see no way.
Selah people' and friends think about five areas of your life in which you are trusting in God alone to provide an answer or direction for you. Pray in faith and believe that he is the source of provision. I tell you this from my own experience that if you allow Him to God will take you places you never thought possible.
"Peace be yours as you choose today not to just have faith in yourself alone, but in our risen savior."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ via mobile @ Frema VW - Goldsboro, NC