We must diligently prepare the field and
nurture the crop to reap the reward!
Today's Scripture:
Well-spoken words bring satisfaction; well-done work has its own reward.
Proverbs 12:14
Well-spoken words bring satisfaction; well-done work has its own reward.
Proverbs 12:14
Growing a church, family or business is like farming a garden. A good farmer knows that farming requires more than just planting a few seeds to harvest. First, he must determine what crop he wants to harvest and choose the right season to plant his crop. Next, he must prepare the soil by tilling and nourishing it. Finally, he plants, fertilizes, and waters the seed. The farmer must patiently wait and carefully check the plant's growth and production before anything can be harvested.
Like a farmer, you and I must determine what we want to achieve. We must also consider timing as we prepare the people to receive our message by cultivating curiosity and engage interest. Just as the farmer plants his seed, you and I plant the goal of vision. You must patiently wait and carefully check the fruitfulness of your efforts as the leader. After a long process, the farmer and leader alike can harvest from all their diligence.
This proverb reminds you that hard work does pay off. You and I should strive to be the most diligent employee, member or volunteer in your company or organization. Leaders usually are. Sometimes you need to stop and remind yourself that your work should focus on the harvest you want to reap, not simply the work itself. Encourage yourself that the harvest will come when you diligently prepare the field and nurture the crop.
Leadership requires the diligent spirit of a farmer.
When you are diligent in planting and waiting, you will reap according to the work of your hands.
Selah people' and friends review your calendar for this week. Are you spending time both planting and harvesting? If not, schedule time to plant some new ideas for growth, or harvest results by completing an item in your calendar. As we move closer to Easter Sunday think of all that Christ did to both sow and reap. Allow his inspiration and determination to be your guide.
"Peace be ours when we work to spread the good news by sewing the seed of Christ."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Like a farmer, you and I must determine what we want to achieve. We must also consider timing as we prepare the people to receive our message by cultivating curiosity and engage interest. Just as the farmer plants his seed, you and I plant the goal of vision. You must patiently wait and carefully check the fruitfulness of your efforts as the leader. After a long process, the farmer and leader alike can harvest from all their diligence.
This proverb reminds you that hard work does pay off. You and I should strive to be the most diligent employee, member or volunteer in your company or organization. Leaders usually are. Sometimes you need to stop and remind yourself that your work should focus on the harvest you want to reap, not simply the work itself. Encourage yourself that the harvest will come when you diligently prepare the field and nurture the crop.
Leadership requires the diligent spirit of a farmer.
When you are diligent in planting and waiting, you will reap according to the work of your hands.
Selah people' and friends review your calendar for this week. Are you spending time both planting and harvesting? If not, schedule time to plant some new ideas for growth, or harvest results by completing an item in your calendar. As we move closer to Easter Sunday think of all that Christ did to both sow and reap. Allow his inspiration and determination to be your guide.
"Peace be ours when we work to spread the good news by sewing the seed of Christ."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston