Don't leave others with a bad taste about God...
help improve the flavor of their lives
Today's Scripture:
Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone.
Colossians 4:6
Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone.
Colossians 4:6
You can be ready to answer others with communication that is full of flavor if you are mindful to season your words. Much like food, your words alone may provide the substance needed. But sometimes you can make your words more palatable by the extra flavors you add to them. A leader can preserve hope, purify motives, and promote integrity through seasoned communication.
A favorite seasoning for almost any meal is salt. Of course it adds flavor to a dish, but it also has many other uses. Salt is used in canning as we do in my other work at the pickle company to preserve freshness and life. It also purifies one of the world's most precious resources, water. In addition to its cooking properties, salt can melt ice and snow. In ancient times, mothers even rubbed salt onto babies' skin to toughen it against bruising.
When you need to console someone who has experienced great loss or when you must confront an issue with a colleague, you may find yourself speechless, wanting to say just the right thing in the right way. When you aren't sure of the answer, think of salting your speech. Choose words that give life and hope. Choose words that are truthful and honest.
Your words can melt hardened minds and hearts if you choose them carefully.
You can promote healing for others by what you say to them. The right answer is to communicate hope and truth that bring resolution.
Selah people' and friends make it your goal for people to leave your presence feeling better about themselves or their situations than they did before you spoke with them.
"Don't put salt in the wounds of others that are hurting, instead choose to savor the opportunity to encourage and add a flavor of Love through the words that you speak."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
A favorite seasoning for almost any meal is salt. Of course it adds flavor to a dish, but it also has many other uses. Salt is used in canning as we do in my other work at the pickle company to preserve freshness and life. It also purifies one of the world's most precious resources, water. In addition to its cooking properties, salt can melt ice and snow. In ancient times, mothers even rubbed salt onto babies' skin to toughen it against bruising.
When you need to console someone who has experienced great loss or when you must confront an issue with a colleague, you may find yourself speechless, wanting to say just the right thing in the right way. When you aren't sure of the answer, think of salting your speech. Choose words that give life and hope. Choose words that are truthful and honest.
Your words can melt hardened minds and hearts if you choose them carefully.
You can promote healing for others by what you say to them. The right answer is to communicate hope and truth that bring resolution.
Selah people' and friends make it your goal for people to leave your presence feeling better about themselves or their situations than they did before you spoke with them.
"Don't put salt in the wounds of others that are hurting, instead choose to savor the opportunity to encourage and add a flavor of Love through the words that you speak."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston