Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No Man Is an Island...

Leaders can't become great alone...
God provides courage and comfort by not having us go it alone.

Today's Scripture:

Remember that I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go.

Joshua 1:9

Being Moses's successor in leadership must have been intimidating. Imagine knowing that your mission was to complete the job that even such a great leader as Moses could not accomplish. Joshua was reminded several times to be brave in the tasks ahead of him. Just the foreshadowing of future challenges within this advice would induce apprehension for most. Yet, Joshua did face his mission with courage and strength.

A natural impulse of people in frightening situations is to grab for someone close. Even some automobiles have embraced this notion and can provide voice-activated rescue if you become lost or endangered. Somehow just the knowledge that there is someone else sharing in the frightening experience is comforting to those in fear. People seek comfort and courage by clinging to others. Leaders are not very different when an intimidating challenge appears. A natural impulse is to call out for someone or something that can bring comfort and dispel your feelings of fear.

If you are new to your position of leadership like Joshua, or if you are a seasoned leader facing a new adventure, your courage can be attacked by fear. In those times, be reminded that you can be bold and courageous because God is with you. You do not have to back down from a challenge or venture because you are intimidated. You do not have to face your fear alone. Grab onto God to capture courage and stand strong.

Selah people' and friends if there is a new undertaking or challenge that you have been delaying out of intimidation, share the idea with a friend, family member or colleague. When you have another's support, you may gain the confidence you need to conquer your fears.

"Go forth with a spirit of courage not in yourself but in the power that God gives each of us."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston