Are you ready to rise up to God's challenge?
Today's Scripture:
Prepare yourself and arise, and speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before their faces, lest I dismay you before them.
Jeremiah 1:17
From reality shows today to extreme sports, players and competitors are heard shouting, "Let's do this!" or as one famous show maker coined "Just do it!"; many times this is heard in the face of fearful tasks. As a leader, sometimes you, too, have to get yourself pumped up to confront a challenge before you. In my high school days my best friend Marc Muller and I would head butt each other before the game (helmet less) and during the game with hats' on or before big plays or critical times. Jeremiah the profit had the task of bringing bad news to God's people. In essence God told Jeremiah, "Let's do this!" God's directive to Jeremiah is important you and to me as christian leaders because it presents a three-step plan of action to confront leadership challenges. As the leader you must (1) ready yourself and arise, (get pumped) (2) prepare yourself with information, support, and a plan, and (3) take a stand of confidence to set the plan in motion. Remember from some earlier blogs here that words without action are of little benefit to the body of Christ.
No leader ever enjoys bringing a disappointing financial report to the boardroom or announcing the need for staff downsizing. However, you and I have to present the truth, even the unfavorable news. Once you have prepared yourself with the facts of the situation and have formulated a plan of action, it is also your job as the leader to speak truthfully and courageously.
You cannot be apprehensive in your mission or shaken by fear in the face of your followers. You set the tone and level of confidence for the group or organization.
If you have a tough decision to make, then "Just do it" - make it.
But make it with courage and confidence, or your leadership will be weakened in the presence of others. No one wants to follow a wimpy leader, but everyone wants to follow a courageous one.
Selah people' and friends a positive attitude, courageous spirit, and reliance on God will equip you to conquer difficult tasks in the challenge of leadership and life. Get ready, get pumped, get up and get going. Let's do it!
"May God empower you today with the power of his Holy Spirit and give you the courage to face all tasks without fear."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston