Are you a confident leader?
Who does God say you are and are you a friend of God?
Today's Scripture:
A wicked man hardens his face, but as for the upright, he establishes his way.
Proverbs 21:29
When you balance God's image of you with others' images of you, together with what you know of your abilities and strengths, you are better able to form healthy confidence that compels others to follow you. You do not have to fake it until you make it. You can be sure of yourself, even when you aren't sure of the situation.
Selah people' and friends if you want to have committed followers, you must be a confident leader. To be the real deal, begin to see yourself with the potential that God see in you. In 1983 I was inspired on the field to assume the role as a field general and leader of men. Today some 26 years late God still uses that confidence to lead others in ministry ultimately to encourage them to grow in Christ. Are you for real? If you have your doubts build confidence know Christ will give you all you need to accomplish His great works.
"Grab someone today and give them a hug or handshake and let them know how much God loves them. Remember we need honest leaders to help lead God's people."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
A wicked man hardens his face, but as for the upright, he establishes his way.
Proverbs 21:29
A fine line exists between confidence and arrogance. Confident leaders are self-assured enough to believe that they are competent in their abilities. Arrogant leaders are self-deceived enough to believe in their abilities alone. Of course, there are also counterfeit leaders who are just trying to fake it until they make it. Others will decide if they want to follow you based on their confidence in your ability to lead them, so your self-assurance is vital to your leadership. If you cannot genuinely convince yourself, you will never convince them!
In his "looking glass theory," Charles Cooley explained that a person forms his or her self-perception from three sources: who others think you are, who you think your are, and who you think others think you are. If any of those perceptions are out of balance, you may develop an unrealistic ego, self-doubt, or paranoia. You also must consider another perspective...who God says that you are. In the Scripture, you and I are called God's beloved, an oak of righteousness and a friend of God.

In his "looking glass theory," Charles Cooley explained that a person forms his or her self-perception from three sources: who others think you are, who you think your are, and who you think others think you are. If any of those perceptions are out of balance, you may develop an unrealistic ego, self-doubt, or paranoia. You also must consider another perspective...who God says that you are. In the Scripture, you and I are called God's beloved, an oak of righteousness and a friend of God.
When you balance God's image of you with others' images of you, together with what you know of your abilities and strengths, you are better able to form healthy confidence that compels others to follow you. You do not have to fake it until you make it. You can be sure of yourself, even when you aren't sure of the situation.
Selah people' and friends if you want to have committed followers, you must be a confident leader. To be the real deal, begin to see yourself with the potential that God see in you. In 1983 I was inspired on the field to assume the role as a field general and leader of men. Today some 26 years late God still uses that confidence to lead others in ministry ultimately to encourage them to grow in Christ. Are you for real? If you have your doubts build confidence know Christ will give you all you need to accomplish His great works.
"Grab someone today and give them a hug or handshake and let them know how much God loves them. Remember we need honest leaders to help lead God's people."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston