Do you just let out a celebration shout!!!
Today's Scripture:
Give me back the joy of your salvation. Keep me strong by giving me a willing spirit.
Psalm 51:12
Some days are just difficult. I have had a tough couple of days which built into a migraine headache and yesterday I felt a little defeated. I literally went to prayer closet about 5:30pm to lay down and pray. Perhaps in your own life and walk with our Lord you've gone through days like this. Try as you might, you just cannot get ahead in your duties and your to-do list. You may try to enlist others to help, but find them unavailable or disinterested in you or your trouble. In the midst of such challenges, your day can become mundane and weaken you both physically and mentally to the point of surrender. At those times, you need to regain your strength by cultivating a willing spirit.
Last night as I read a book about cowboys on the cattle trail to my son Luke it brought back memories of the old western movies, where the cowboys would often rally up excitement by swinging their hats in the air and shouting a boisterous "Yee-haw" and "Giddy up" just before they headed out on the trail. Even if you do not have your own posse to rouse, you too can motivate yourself with a declaration of enthusiasm. I can remember in my youth surfing when the hurricanes were coming in and you went to take a drop down a huge face, it felt like standing on top of a basketball rim and trying to drop too the floor.
It often would help to make a simple shout of celebration to pump up your passion and renew your spirit even on a challenging day or activity.
Celebration is a catalyst to regaining your joy as Joel Osteen refers to it. You can reclaim your strength by calling out to God and asking him for joy. Ask him to show you creative ways to rejoice in life. You can celebrate on a difficult day by throwing yourself a personal party at your coffee break. Celebrate the goodness of God by sharing how he has blessed you in a quick conversation or email with a friend. Teh more willing your spirit is to rejoice, the more strength and joy you will find in each day. You know those folks who cling to all things negative and yes that too can be contagious if you allow it. Don't!
Selah people' and friends create a happy folder or bulletin board that contains notes, cards, scriptures or photos that you have received that really make you smile and feel good. A brief review of the folder can start you on a joyful journey.
"That is my prayer for each of you reading this blog today that you will join me in shouting "Yee-haw" as we move ahead today with joy in our hearts and smiles on our faces. If you are not feeling it cling to God who can take you to that joyful place."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile