Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Looking for Handouts

Giving to help others can be so much more than just giving of your money...

Today's Scripture:

Freely you have received, freely give.

Matthew 10:8

Giving is more than funding charitable causes. Giving is stewardship of your time, talents, and treasure to impact others. Your time is possibly your most valuable resource. Unlike other resources, it cannot be recycled, replenished, or recaptured. Once it is given, it is gone. Yet, even with such great worth, time is often overlooked as a worthwhile investment in giving. Consider spending time with a cherished colleague, lonely acquaintance, or even an inquisitive new staff member.

Talent is another precious resource that can be freely given to benefit others. Talent is more than being artistically or musically inclined.

Skills, abilities, and giftedness are all forms of talent.

You may not be able to volunteer as the director of a large project but your skills may make you perfect for another task...recently we had several people who could bake that helped raise funds for Relay for life. That's right a cake that was used to help another. View your abilities and skills as assets given from God and choose to share them with others.

Jesus stated that where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. So your treasure is also important to share with others. Whether you are tithing to your local church,donating money to a homeless shelter, or buying or making gifts for underprivileged children or men and women serving in our military, your treasure can be a significant source of encouragement to others. Be willing to give of yourself freely to others through your attention, your abilities, and your assets.

Selah people' and friends set aside five minutes to list as many of your talents, skills, abilities, hobbies, and interests as you can. Then think of ways that you can share one of your assets with others. Remember they are your brothers and sisters and they need you and the gifts that God has given you to share.

"God grace and peace be yours when you and I learn to share the fruit that God has given us."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston (via mobile ~ Westbrook Park ~ Mount Olive, NC)