Today's Scripture:
Remember this is my favor, O my God.
Nehemiah 13:31
You get to know others by learning their favorite things. You may discover their favorite foods, hobbies, book, or television programs. You may even have favorite friends that you prefer to spend time with. With those friends you may not mind asking for a favor. The word favor means "good things." You might give your spouse a list of ideas for your birthday gifts, but to ask God to show you a favor? It almost sounds presumptuous.
God can be your closest friend though if you will let him in. Throughout the Scriptures, he gives you permission to ask for good things from him. Because of Christ, you can approach God and stand in his favor. He is ever-present in your life, waiting and wanting to respond with favor. You do not have to be invited to the right party or business luncheon to make a connection.
You can link up to God through prayer 24/7/365. He has all the connections you and I will ever need.
If you need to be noticed at a school, sports, work or a meeting it is OK to ask God to show you favor. If you need to sell more products or be more efficient about getting a project or paper done, you can request God's assistance. God can open opportunities in unexpected ways for you. He can give you the wisdom, creativity, and innovation to make the right impressions. When you ask for God's favor, you may find that you get what you ask for from him.
Selah people' and friends journal a list of good things you would like for God to do in your life. Prayerfully consider each. Be ready to highlight the ways God extends his favor toward you in your journal or on your calendar. You'll be amazed what God can and will do. The word reminds us we have not cause we asked not.
"Choose today to remember as one of God's children you have his "Favor" just waiting for you to have faith and believe."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile in Dobbersville, NC