Sunday, May 3, 2009

I've Fallen And Can't Get Up...

Reach out today to help others in trouble?

Today's Scripture:

Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

God's math doesn't always seem to make sense. if two people work together, you would reason that twice the work could be accomplished. Since this is the Bible, the principle must be universal, and so it seems it is. A team brainstorming new ideas can formulate a more exhaustive and creative list than one person alone. Partners that conquer projects together can finish in a fraction of the time that one could finish the job. In manufacturing I have found that production lines seem to multiply the expected production exponentially beyond the number of workers on the line.

Everyone has moments of falling. Some people fall behind in their workload. Others fall apart in difficult situations. Having a friend to help you in those times where a free fall is impending is not only comforting, but can also help you maintain your focus on being productive. When you have a friend beside you, he can help keep you from falling in the first place by supporting and encouraging you. Then, if you do begin to slip, he can catch you or help you back onto your feet.

The key to partnership accomplishment seems to be altruism: which is the willingness of one to reach out and help the other. God said in Proverbs 18:24 that if you want friends, you must show yourself to be friendly. I'll never forget early in my own ministry I went on an Emmaus Walk weekend at Surf City and one of the lay speakers said the words "to have a friend, be a friend and lead a friend to Christ." To this day I carry that in the back of mind reminding me as I meet new friends and God gives an opportunity to just help them move a little further down the road of their spiritual walk, not overwhelming them but just being a helping hand and a good friend, just as Christ was the "good shepherd". Friendship is truly a reciprocal collaboration.

Selah people' and friends if you have a business coworker, partner, friend or spouse, consider how mutual your assistance and encouragement are for each other. Reach out to him or her with a helping hand today.

"Carpe Diem, "seize the day"...God is so good and how great it is for you and I to reach out to our brothers and sisters in need today. It really helps you see how blessed you are when you can help others."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ via mobile Jen's VW headed to Smithfield for lunch