Saturday, December 26, 2009
Cruise Ship vs. Battleship
Dear Selah family and many of us enjoy the wonderful Christmas holiday I ask you to take a moment and picture our place as Christians in today's world. Is our church a Cruise Ship or a Battleship? How do you choose? How should you choose? A thought from your pastor as he reflects on where the church has traveled during the last seven years and where we must chart our course in 2010. Join me in prayer as we prepare for what God has in store for us.
In Christ Love and service,
Your pastor and family,
Patrick, Jennifer, Madeline & Luke Muston
Selah Christian Church ~Four Oaks, NC
Friday, December 25, 2009
December 25, 2009 ~ Psalm 139
To my church family and friends I love you and I thank God for every moment He has given me and my family to share with you. Though we be apart for the moment please know that God will bring us altogether again soon. God bless you and keep you safe from all harm.
Merry Christmas to All!
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Thursday, December 24, 2009
December 24, 2009 ~ What is Christmas All About?
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Visit our media site to listen to our weekly sermon at:
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
December 23, 2009 ~ Money Isn't Everything...
Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice.
Proverbs 16:8
T.J. was almost living his dream job. He was working as a human resources director for a small but growing airline. The only thing he would have liked better would be taking the pilot's seat. After September 11, 2001, T.J's airline suffered. The company tried to get government aid but was unsuccessful . Other companies considered buying his airline.
One prospective buyer was a restaurant chain well know for capitalizing on sexual suggestiveness. T.J. did not accept the moral of the company. But if the company bought the airline and T.J. left his job on an ethical basis, not only would he be giving up his dream job, but he knew most places would not pay him as well.
Perhaps you've faced a situation similar to T.J.'s. Perhaps you've been offered great money on a job if you'd expose half your body or if you'd turn your head when the corporation tried unethical or downright illegal business practices. Perhaps you have faced the dilemma of getting promoted if you're willing to lie for the boss or if you'd let an important client's hand wander where it shouldn't.
Selah people' and friends if you've ever encountered situations like this, Proverbs 16:8 is for you. If you haven't yet faced this situation, this verse will help set your heart so you'll go the right direction. Money can be a wonderful, fun tool in the world, but although money is nice, it is better to have integrity and to live your convictions.
"Always choose the honest, ethical, beyond-reproach way. You may not have as much money, but God will take care of your needs.
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Visit our media site to listen to our weekly sermon at:
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Do You Hear What I Hear?- Video ~ Tim Hawkins
The sheep, shepherds and a Savior oh yea...and don't forget a smile for you!
God Bless you and yours during this special time of Christmas.
In Christ service,
Rev Patrick Muston
Monday, December 21, 2009
December 21, 2009 ~ When God Steps In
Today's Scripture:
"The God who made you is like your husband. His name is the Lord All-Powerful. The Holy One of Israel is the one who saves you. He is called the God of all the earth. You were like a woman whose husband left her, and you were very sad. You were like a wife who married young and then her husband left her. But the Lord called you to be his," says your God.
Isaiah 54: 5-6
One of the biggest shifts in trends during the past few decades has been the compilation of the family. Once upon a time, the average family included a husband, wife, and kids. There were deviations from that, but it was the standard. Today that's not true. According to the U.S. Census Bureau report, sing households and single-parent households make up more than half of all households in the United States. Although a woman may have a husband during some period in her life, that doesn't mean she'll always have a mate. It is also true that some husbands are absent physically or emotionally, and even a great spouse can't always meet all the needs in a woman's life.
Selah people' and friends, if you don't have a husband to help provide the finances for your home, God can help. If you don't have a husband to be your companion,
God promises to always be with you and to be actively involved in your life.
If you need help making decisions, God promises to give wisdom. When you feel a longing to be needed and wanted, remember, God called you to be his. If you want someone to talk to, God will always listen. God is willing to fill any and all empty niches in your life.
"If you don't have a husband, or if your husband isn't meeting your needs, don't fret, panic or give in to discouragement. Let God step in and be your strength, provider, protection and friend."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church Disciples of Christ
Four Oaks, NC
Sunday, December 20, 2009
December 20, 2009 ~ Father & Son ....TOGETHER!
Join me in running with our heavenly Father as we celebrate the Son!
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Visit our media site to listen to our weekly sermon at:
Saturday, December 19, 2009
December 19, 2009 ~ A Child is Born!
May we all remember why we celebrate Christmas! JESUS...
It is my humble prayer that no matter what you have been through this year that as well celebrate the birth of our savior that you and your family will be blessed.
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Friday, December 18, 2009
December 18, 2009 ~ Fresh Truth
Psalm 119:18
Beth drove down the highway, headed home for Christmas. Many hours into the drive, tired of listening to the radio, she just wished she could hurry up and get there. She didn't want to stop because she had promised to get there by Christmas morning, no later. She finally prayed and asked God what to do. She sensed him telling her to meditate on a verse of the Bible. In her mind, she though about the Christmas story, of Joseph and Mary bringing Jesus into the world in a stable. She had memorized the whole seven verses just that month.
As she roved over the sentences, insights filled her mind. How dangerous for Mary and Joseph to travel many miles, and she was nine months pregnant, sitting on a donkey. She realized that Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, where prophecy said the Messiah would be born, because of Caesar's decree. And then another thought: how did anyone know it was a stable? Luke never said anything about a stable. But, aha, there it was: Mary laid Jesus in the manger. Mangers were for cows and donkeys, so it was probably a stable or maybe a cave, but it may have been something else altogether. Excitement flooded her mind as more insights came to her. Soon she was more awake than ever.
Selah people' and friends do you find that sometimes Bible reading gets old? God will speak to you as you study the Bible.
When Bible study gets stale, ask the Lord to give you new insights, an idea you've never thought of before, or a measure of understanding that goes beyond your years and education.
He will do it, if you ask.
"God does not want your time in the Bible to be boring or a waste of time or even meaningless. Look to him for the insights that lead to spiritual excitement. He promises to give you that blessing."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Retooning the Nativity ~ Do we know Christmas by scripture?
As we come closer to the time when we celebrate Christmas what exactly to we remember from scripture and what do we remember from carols and other traditions. May each of us regardless of our denomination or traditional celebrate Jesus this Christmas.
Keep Christ the main thing in your families Christmas this year! I hope this video helps get us thinking about what we believe and why.
In Christ service.
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sacred Acre - One Man Changes a Community: Video
Fourth Quarter!!!
If you are having a tough day or a tough week or perhaps devastation has impacted you in 2009. Remember our God is with us through it all. Even when the worst of worst happens. May you and I realize each day how blessed we are and how much we can impact others.
In Christ service,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
December 16, 2009 ~ While You Were Sleeping
Today's Scripture:
He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Psalm 121:3-4
Have you ever been awakened by a strange noise? You sit up in bed heart pumping and listen intently. You might turn on a light and go investigate if the noise continues. Perhaps you'll pick up a baseball bat or arm yourself with a makeshift weapon or go get your gun, just in case it's someone who's not supposed to be there. But then you share a laugh when the real culprit appears-the neighbor's cat, or the wind blowing leaves around the yard.
For the person living in ancient Israel, it was great comfort to know that God never sleeps. It is comfort today as well.
God stands guard over you. You needn't fear marauders, robbers, or assailants, for God remains watchful. You and your valuables are safe all night long. You can entrust yourself to him, knowing he would never slip away for a drink or doze on his shift.
Selah people' and friends in the day of alarm systems, watchdogs, and other devices for protection, you don't often fear what might happen while you're asleep. Despite the many terrors that surround those who love God, you can feel safe. As a man or woman, you can take comfort in God who won't be caught off guard. God will protect you all along life's path without letting you slide on the slippery rocks of the world's greatest dangers.
"My friend if you find the nighttime a frightening time, take heart in the grand truth that God is always there, watching, protecting, making sure you arrive in heaven safely."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
December 15, 2009 ~ Call to Him
Jeremiah 33:3
Everyone loves getting an invitation. "It's a party. Come one, come all." "We want you. Be there or be square.""Give me a call when you have a chance. I'd like to talk." "Text or IM (instant message) me later." Invitations are always welcomed. It means you're special, you're important, you're a valuable person.
An invitation from God, though? A call into his throne room? A chance to sit at his feet and just drink in the atmosphere? It's right there in Jeremiah 33. God has given you the invitation of all time. He literally commands you to go to him. Spend time together. Talk. Converse. Listen. Learn. Or just enjoy being with each other. He invites you to spend time with him alone. This verse is not for the special few. This is not written for the royals.
God gets personal. He wants to make your life fulfilling and happy.
Selah people' and friends think about it. When you call on God, you never get a busy signal or voicemail. You never hear, "Hey, I'm busy doing something right now. Call again later." Or, "Look, I'm into a big problem at the moment, so just bug off." God is always available. Not only will he be there when you call, but you can know God's true heart. He will not only answer, but he will take a step further: He will tell you other things, great and hidden things, fresh insights that you haven't known. He'll give you the real scoop on anything you want to know.
"Call on God today. Ask him a question, any question. Share a concern. Consider a thought. This is God's invitation to you, and the wonderful thing is it lasts forever."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Monday, December 14, 2009
Over the hill to the poor-house...
We celebrated her life and honored her death this past Friday and I shared a few verses from this which made us all smile as she always did. Several had asked me about the title and author so I share it with you now.
In Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston, pastor
Selah Christian Church

by Will Carleton, 1897
Over the hill to the poor-house I'm trudgin' my weary way---
I, a woman of seventy, and only a trifle gray---
I, who am smart an' chipper, for all the years I've told,
As many another woman that's only half as old.
Over the hill to the poor-house---I can't quite make it clear!
Over the hill to the poor-house---it seems so horrid queer!
Many a step I've taken, a-toilin' to and fro,
But this is a sort of journey I never thought to go.
What is the use of heapin' on me a pauper's shame?
Am I lazy or crazy? am I blind or lame?
True, I am not so supple, nor yet so awful stout;
But charity ain't no favor, if one can live without.
I am ready and willin' an' anxious any day
To work for a decent livin' and pay my honest way;
For I can earn my victuals, an' more too, I'll be bound,
If anybody is willin' to only have me 'round.
Once I was young an' hand'some---I was, upon my soul---
Once my cheeks was roses, my eyes was black as coal;
And I can't remember, in them days, of hearin' people say,
For any kind of a reason, that I was in their way!
'Tain't no use of boastin' or talkin' over-free,
But many a house an' home was open then to me;
Many a han'some offer I had from likely men,
And nobody ever hinted that I was a burden then.
And when to John I was married, sure he was good and smart,
But he and all the neighbors would own I done my part;
For life was all before me, an' I was young an' strong,
And I worked my best an' smartest in tryin' to get along.
And so we worked together; and life was hard, but gay,
With now and then a baby to cheer us on our way.
Till we had half a dozen, an' all growed clean an' neat,
An' went to school like others, an' had enough to eat.
An' so we worked for the child'rn, and raised 'em every one---
Worked for 'em summer and winter, just as we ought to've done;
Only perhaps we humored 'em, which some good folks condemn,
But every couple's own child'rn's a heap the dearest to them!
Strange how much we think of OUR blessed little ones!---
I'd have died for my daughters, and I'd have died for my sons.
And God He made that rule of love; but when we're old and gray
I've noticed it sometimes, somehow, fails to work the other way.
Stranger another thing: when our boys an' girls was grown,
And when, exceptin' Charley, they'd left us there alone,
When John he nearer an' nearer came, an' dearer seemed to be,
The Lord of Hosts, He came one day an' took him away from me!
Still I was bound to struggle, an' never cringe or fall---
Still I worked for Charley, for Charley was now my all;
And Charley was pretty good to me, with scarce a word or frown,
Till at last he went a-courtin', and brought a wife from town.
She was somewhat dressy, an' hadn't a pleasant smile---
She was quite conceity, and carried a heap o' style;
But if ever I tried to be friends, I did with her, I know;
But she was hard and haughty, an' we couldn't make it go.
She had an edication, and that was good for her,
But when she twitted me on mine, 'twas carryin' things too far,
An' I told her once, 'fore company, (an' it almost made her sick)
That I never swallowed a grammer, nor 'et a 'rithmetic.
So 'twas only a few days before the thing was done---
They was a family of themselves, and I another one.
And a very little cottage one family will do,
But I never have seen a mansion that was big enough for two.
An' I never could speak to suit her, never could please her eye,
An' it made me independent, an' then I didn't try.
But I was terribly humbled, an' felt it like a blow,
When Charley turned agin me, an' told me I could go!
I went to live with Susan, but Susan's house was small,
And she was always a-hintin' how snug it was for us all;
And what with her husband's sisters, and what with child'rn three,
'Twas easy to discover there wasn't room for me.
An' then I went with Thomas, the oldest son I've got:
For Thomas's buildings'd cover the half of an acre lot,
But all the child'rn was on me---I couldn't stand their sauce---
And Thomas said I needn't think I was comin' there to boss.
An' then I wrote to Rebecca, my girl who lives out West,
And to Isaac, not far from her---some twenty miles at best;
And one of 'em said 'twas too warm there for anyone so old,
And t'other had an opinion the climate was too cold.
So they have shirked and slighted me, an' shifted me about---
So they have well nigh soured me, an' wore my old heart out;
But still I've borne up pretty well, an' wasn't much put down,
Till Charley went to the poor-master, an' put me on the town!
Over the hill to the poor-house---my child'rn dear, good-bye!
Many a night I've watched you when only God was nigh;
And God'll judge between us; but I will al'ays pray
That you shall never suffer the half that I do to-day!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
December 13, 2009 ~ A Video Christmas Card from...Tim on technology
This brought back some memories of what technology used to be like...
Hope Tim puts a smile on your face as well.
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Listen 24/7/365 to our music special and sermon each week via our media website:
Saturday, December 12, 2009
December 12, 2009 ~ A Competent God
Jeremiah 32:27
As a child, Sara thought of her mom as Mrs. Fix-it. When a doll's arm came off one time. Sara took it to Mom and she fixed it. When Sara struggled to understand arithmetic in grade school, Mom spent hours drilling her, and Sara is a math whiz today. In high school and college, Mom fixed Sara's troubles with bos, English comp, soccer, and other matters. For Sara, her mom continues to be a force in her life for good. She can do just about anything.
God can do anything-anything-as long as it does not compromise his holiness and righteousness.
"God is the ultimaate Mr. Fix-It. He doesn't fix everything in a day or even in a lifetime. But look to him for the answers to your concerns, and eventually the answers will come."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Four Oaks, NC
Last night we had close to 500 come through to share our gift to the community... Please join us Tonight 12-12-2009 for our FREE LIVE NATIVITY from 6-8:30pm we will have 13 biblical scenes and over 100 cast members sharing the story of Christ.
Friday, December 11, 2009
December 11, 2009 ~ The Living Nativity?
Could you give up your son?
I too am so thankful that we are not God and that He loved us so much.
Please remember the reason for the season.
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Join us Tonight & tomorrow for our FREE LIVE NATIVITY this Friday and Saturday from 6-8:30pm we will have 13 biblical scenes and over 100 cast members sharing the story of Christ.
Listen 24/7/365 to our music special and sermon each week via our media website:
Thursday, December 10, 2009
December 10, 2009 ~ Tribute: Sallie Leuria Settlemyer

Sallie Leuria Settlemyer April 20, 1917 - December 08, 2009
Grantham: Sallie Leuria Holmes Settlemyer, 92, passed away on Tuesday morning at Wayne Memorial Hospital.
Sallie was born in Wayne County on April 20, 1917 to the late Henry Clay Holmes Jr. and Pennie Best Holmes. She was married to the late Carl Herman Settlemyer, Sr. Sallie had worked with Bryan Oil Company for many years. She was a member of the Fleet Reserve Association Ladies Auxiliary and a former member of the American Business Women̢۪s Association. Sallie was an active member of Selah Christian Church, where she had served as a Sunday school teacher for both adult and youth classes and as the church pianist for over 50 years. Sallie was also a member of the U.S.S. O'Bannon Shipmate Association where she served as the secretary from 1979-1981.
A service to remember Sallie will be held Friday, December 11, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. at Selah Christian Church with Rev. Patrick Muston and Rev. Jean Hood officiating. Burial will follow in the Holmes Family Cemetery near the home.
Sallie is survived by her daughter, Susan S. Sauls and husband, Kenneth Floyd Sauls of Grantham; her son, Carl H. Settlemyer, Jr. and wife, Linda of Derwood, MD; her grandchildren, Carl H. Settlemyer III and wife Elizabeth, Sharon S. Clem, Sandra S. Walsh and husband James, Katherine Williams and husband Derreck, and Dana S. Sauls; and eight great-grandchildren.
In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by her sisters, Mildred Smith and Alice Britt; and her brother, Robert Holmes.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Selah Christian Church, in care of Jean Hollowell, 3304 Stevens Mill Road, Goldsboro, NC 27530.
The family will receive friends Friday from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. at Selah Christian Church and other times at her home, 1756 Selah Church Road in the Grantham Community.
Online condolences may be sent to the family at
Selah people' and friends please keep Ms. Settlemyer,s family and her church family in your thoughts and prayers. Also keep your pastor lifted up as Sallie was such a special inspiration and encouragement in my ministry. She called me her "young preacher" and I called her more than friend we became family. I love this woman and her wonderful spirit. As she shared with me during our last visit "I will see you later!" May she finally get her rest.
In Christ service,
Rev Patrick Muston, pastor
Selah Christian Church
Join us for our FREE LIVE NATIVITY this Friday and Saturday from 6-8:30pm we will have 13 biblical scenes and over 100 cast members sharing the story of Christ.
Listen to our music special and sermon at our media site:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Church Leaders Intelligence Report 12.9.2009 ~ Be informed!
Effective Managers vs. Effective Leaders
With so much focus on leadership today the lines of effective management and effective leadership often become blurred. Although there is a significant amount of overlap between the two roles of managers and leaders, the two disciplines actually draw on different, and often times contradictory, qualities. Successful small business consultant and often published business writer Susan Brown sets forth how typical management and leadership styles differ across various components: personality, goals, strategy, qualifications and experience, and relationship to team members.
Personality Type Good managers have a tendency to seek comfort and stability in both their professional and personal lives. They are usually somewhat risk adverse, tending to favor the preservation of the status quo. People who do well in a management role are inclined to be detailed-oriented and excel at things that call for organization.
On the other hand, effective leaders are typically at ease with considerable amounts of risk and change when they believe it will help them successfully pursue their goals. They are also more willing to embrace the challenges and difficulties they encounter along the way that must be surmounted in order to achieve these goals. People who excel in leadership roles are more likely to be compelling free-thinkers who can comfortably think outside of the box.
Goals An effective manager's goal is to maximize productivity within the existing infrastructure or system of a ministry or organization by carefully planning, organizing, and controlling a myriad of details and tactics. Theirs is a very hands on role. In contrast an effective leader will work on a system rather than in it. They are not concerned with just getting the job done, but they want to improve the whole process for the benefit of the team, the organization and its constituents.
Qualifications and Experience It is common for people in the management ranks to have slowly worked their way up the organizational ladder. Good managers often bring to their positions a high degree technical experience and a deep understanding of how the organization's systems operate. Although these are valuable traits, it is not uncommon for an effective leader to lack much of the experience that a person in management has acquired. Instead effective leaders can bring a new ideas, fresh outlook, and inspiration.
Strategy Historically, success in management comes as a result of adhering to organizational policy and consistently working on leveraging and maximizing output while reducing costs and rooting out inefficiencies. Managers tend to have a formal and rational approach to their jobs. Their strengths are heavily dependent on their individual abilities to delegate work, analyze data, and smoothly control performance and production flow.
Whereas, leadership success is often defined by the leader's ability to bring and implement change in the ministry or business and to empower its workers. Leaders are radical thinkers who have the courage and self confidence to follow their own instincts in seeking out new opportunities. To do this, successful leaders will procure the help and support of the workers to accomplish their goals.
Relationship to Employees As a rule managers default to an authoritarian approach when working with their subordinates. This means a manager speaks and the workers in his or her charge are expected to do what they are told. With this approach it is usually the manager that receives the most credit for a job well done.
But a leader intentionally seeks to inspire, coach and empower his team members. People are naturally inclined to loyally follow such leaders. Unlike the manager, a leader's interaction with his or her team members is less formal. Leaders also conscientiously seek to bestowing credit on their team members, where they honestly believe the credit is most deserving.
Though they there are times management and leadership may seem to come from different ends of the spectrum, the key qualities of good management and leadership compliment and augment each other. The best managers tend to possess some leadership qualities, and the most effective leaders bear many of the key managerial skills.
Susan Brown, The Difference Between Management and Leadership, 5/10/09
Subscribe to the free Church Leaders Intelligence Report by clicking here.
Or forward the current report and this link to a friend.
Growing Online Presence of Small Church Pastors
A search on Google reveals 52 million hits just on the phrase “small church.” “Small church pastor” and “small church ministry” produce 18 million and 10 million hits respectively. There is even a hashtag on Twitter for small church discussions, #smallchurch. A growing movement of small church pastors are writing and blogging about their experiences. The Rev. Les Puryear, who's been blogging since 2006, says, “Just because a church is small doesn't mean that the church is unhealthy.” His blog is a prime example of the increasing presence of small church pastors on the Internet. The issues in this movement include more equitable small-church representation on denominational boards and committees, production of material
specifically for the small-church environment and a change of heart about the small church as valuable and not unhealthy. Statistics show the vast majority of Protestant congregations in the U.S. are small, with an active membership of less than 100 people. Puryear says the small-church minister is hungry for material that fits. “It's important that small churches communicate with each other because we can learn from one another. Most of the denominational church health material is written by large church people who promote large church ideas. Most of these materials do not translate easily into the small church environment. We need to learn from each other in the small church.”
Rev. David B. Smith, Church Solutions, 11/09/09
Supreme Court Will Hear Case of Christian Student Club
The U.S. Supreme Court said it will decide whether a public university can refuse to recognize a religious student group because the group requires its leaders to share its religious beliefs. The justices agreed Monday to intervene in the case of Christian Legal Society Chapter of University of California, Hastings College of the Law v. Mary Kay Kane, et al., which was first filed in 2004 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Since the federal civil rights suit was filed, attorneys with the Christian Legal Society and the Alliance Defense Fund Center for Academic Freedom have argued on behalf of the student chapter of CLS, insisting that the group should be able to decide its own membership and not be required by the college to admit homosexuals and non-Christians as members and officers in order to receive school recognition. “Christian students have the right to gather as Christians for a common purpose and around
shared beliefs,” stated ADF Senior Legal Counsel Gregory S. Baylor with the ADF Center for Academic Freedom. “It's completely unreasonable—and unconstitutional—for a public university to disrupt the purposes of private student groups by forcing them to accept as members and officers those who oppose the very ideas they advocate.” The Christian Legal Society, which has chapters at universities nationwide, has sued other universities on the same grounds. It won a similar suit against Southern Illinois University, which settled with the group in 2007 and recognized its membership and leadership policies.
Christian Post 12/8/09
New Flu Resource Available for Churches
Should churches abandon the common cup during communion? Is it unsafe to extend the peace of Christ with a handshake during worship? Are we spreading too many germs when we hold hands during prayer? In light of the continuing news about the H1N1 influenza outbreak, churches across the nation are wrestling with questions like these and trying to make wise and sensible decisions to keep their congregations safe and healthy. For a limited time, is offering a free 31-page electronic resource, “Preparing Your Church for a Pandemic.” The download offers church leaders advice on how to organize a response plan, communicate effectively with staff and members, and set up policies to stem the risk and spread of infection. “This resource provides practical, comprehensive help for navigating this season of overwhelming illness,” explains Marian Liautaud, editor of “Whether or not you're faced with the threat of H1N1, every church should be prepared to respond to a health crisis that could affect their entire congregation.” The download is especially timely as churches prepare for the holiday season when many congregations experience their highest levels of activity and attendance. Click here to download the resource. The resource is available free of charge until December 31, 2009.
Christian NewsWire,, 12/7/09
Senior Population Growing Rapidly
Churches have a growing opportunity to offer ministry to seniors as the elderly population continues to increase rapidly in our society. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in the next five years alone, the population of those over 65 will increase by 40%, from 36.8 million to 51.7 million. By mid-century, the worldwide population of seniors is projected to triple. In the U.S., this could add up to 88.5 million people over 65, comprising 20% of the population.
MediaPost 11/9/09
Churches Offering Support to the Grieving During the Holidays
Many people who have lost loved ones find they are depressed, and coping with the holiday hustle-and-bustle is just too much to bear. In order to help those dealing with grief during the holiday season, many churches across the nation are now hosting seminars and events, such as GriefShare 'Surviving the Holidays' seminars, to help grieving people deal with the painful, debilitating emotions they face during the holiday season. Dr. Michael Lindsay, a sociologist at Rice University specializing in religion and culture, says: “In times of death or divorce, people are most likely to reengage in a church.” Topics discussed include dealing with depression during the holidays, prioritizing holiday activities and events, control of emotions, and how God helps
during these times. Participation from non-churched people in these seminars has exceeded expectations. Churches are finding events and seminars of this type consistently draw people from the community into their churches.
ASSIST News Service 12/4/09
Rick Warren Comments on the Future of Christianity
In a recent conversation with Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Community Church in Lake Forest, CA commented, “The last 50 years has seen the greatest redistribution of a religion ever in the history of the world. For instance, in 1900, 71% of all 'Christians' lived in Europe; by 2000 it had declined to just 28% who claimed to be Christian. Far fewer go to church. Conversely, in 1900, only 10% of all people in Africa (10 million) were Christians vs. over 50% (360 million) today...I may surprise some when I say that there are by far more Christians in China than in America. There are more Presbyterians in Ghana than in Scotland, where they were founded by John Knox. There are more Baptists in the India state of Nagaland than in the American South. There are more Anglicans in Kenya or Uganda or Rwanda or
Nigeria than in England. There are two million Anglicans in England compared to 17 million in Nigeria. Last Sunday, more Christians went to church in China than all of Europe combined. This is a fundamental shift. If you want to know the future of Christianity, it is the developing world. It's Africa, Latin America and Asia.”
December 9, 2009 ~ Half-Baked Cakes
Hosea 7:8
Although no one seems to know the exact history of pancakes, apparently even the earliest civilizations quickly learned that ground-up grain and water made a basic pancake. Over the years, people learned that ingredients like eggs and baking powder made the cakes lighter. Now you can find pancakes made out of all sorts of grain ingredients, with myriad stuffings and toppings. Patty tells about the chocolate-chip pancakes her mom used to make. "They were really thick, " Patty explains. "Mom mixed the chocolate chips into the batter and poured it into the pan."
Patty loved those pancakes-usually. "Sometimes however the pancake would look done. But when I cut into it, raw batter would ooze out. It was pretty disgusting."
Half-cooked pancakes not only taste bad, but they also carry a threat of salmonella poising from the raw eggs. And you can't take a half-cooked pancake, flip it back on the griddle, and make it good-for the inside to heat more, for the outside will get rubbery.
You can't do anything with a half-cooked pancake except throw it away.
Selah people' and friends a half-baked cake or pancake is the illustration Hosea gave in the Scripture tackling the paramount issue of trying to live between two worlds spiritually. The person doesn't really want to live wholly like a God-follower; but on the other hand, nor does he or she want to live like someone who isn't a God-follower. As a result, the person doesn't fit anywhere and is about as useful as a half-raw pancake. Trust me I have been there myself and it that middle of the road, straddle-the-fence kind of life that is empty.
"Look at where you are today and keep serving God with a wholehearted commitment. Place your total faith in him, and every day explore ways you can serve him better."
Your pastor,
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Join us for our FREE LIVE NATIVITY this Friday and Saturday from 6-8:30pm we will have 13 biblical scenes and over 100 cast members sharing the story of Christ.
Listen to our music special and sermon at our media site:
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
December 8, 2009 ~ Jesus or Santa?
May we remember the true reason for the season!
In Christ service,
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Join us for our FREE LIVE NATIVITY this Friday and Saturday from 6-8:30pm we will have 13 biblical scenes and over 100 cast members sharing the story of Christ.
Listen to our music special and sermon at our media site:
Monday, December 7, 2009
December 7, 2009 ~ "What will you do when you fall down?"
Praise God. John 9:3-4, "But this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me"
Not sure what you are facing today but please remember if you fall down Christ will give the strength to get back up.
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Visit our media website link below to listen to our music special shared by Kelly & Cathy Best, as well as to listen to this week's audio sermon online:
Sunday, December 6, 2009
December 6, 2009 ~ Pains of Joy
Today's Scripture:
To the woman (the Lord God) said: "I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children; your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."
Genesis 3:16
God cursed humankind when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. That curse left the human race with numerous problems, including pain in childbirth for women and man's fight to overcome weeds and thistles in trying to produce food. Even today, people feel the results of that curse. Bearing a child is monumentally painful. Many men feel unfulfilled in their work, or that they have never produced anything in their lives.
What is the solution? There is an important answer for women in this verse about the pain Eve would feel in having children. It's just like God to give back with his right hand what his left hand has taken. In the midst of the curse, he offered a great promise: you will still have children. You will still love your husband. You will still enjoy desire for you mate.
Even when God levies a terrible curse, he provides a tremendous blessing beyond it.
Selah people' and friends God promised in his statement to Eve that great blessing would come even in the midst of a curse. Every woman who has given birth by natural means knows the meaning of God's curse. But God did not leave labor without hope. After the baby is born joy results, and the curse of labor is forgotten. In the place of pain comes great jubilation.
"When you are feeling the pangs of a sinful world, remember, God will give you fulfillment even though you must travel some hard paths or rows to get to it."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Visit our media website link below to listen to our music special shared by Kelly & Cathy Best, as well as to listen to this week's audio sermon online:
Saturday, December 5, 2009
December 5, 2009 ~ Never Forsaken...
Today's Scripture:
I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread.
Psalm 37:25
God sometimes guides circumstances, whether good or bad, in order to draw you closer to himself. At times you may have a need because he wants you to turn to him for help. When he answers, he will be glorified and your faith will be built up. This verse from the Psalms shows you the powerful truth that God never leaves his children begging. He will always respond to your needs and meet them on his timetable. You can trust that he has allowed that need to exist because he wants you to pray and ask him to meet it.
Selah people' and friends this verse is central for you because it reminds you that when you're living for God, he is going to see that you are taken care of. He will care for you emotionally and materially, and will care for you and your children.
"Take a hard look at your life. You probably have new needs every day...I know I do. Join me as we turn to God and watch him supply, and then you can tell the world how God really does supply everything."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Thursday, December 3, 2009
December 3, 2009 ~ Christmas with a Capital "C"
Awesome Christmas song from the Go Fish Guys...
Let us not forget what Christmas is really about...CHRIST!
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
December 2, 2009 ~ A Walk with a Friend
Today's Scripture:
Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Galatians 5:16
You're taking a long walk with a close friend. What happens on this little adventure? You talk some; your friend responds. The friend brings up a subject; you both discuss it. Your walk together involves talking, thinking, reacting, posing questions, offering answers, and simply enjoying each other's presence. You might say hello to people passing by, and comment on what's going on down a certain street or at work or school. A walk with a friend isn't simply a means to get somewhere; or to just help you loose weight or lower cholesterol, it is the process of getting there that's important and part of the fun of it.
The Bible often compares the biblical lifestyle to a walk. As you go through life, you recognize that God's Spirit is there with you, counseling, consoling, offering advice, giving encouragement, pointing out wrong thoughts or attitudes.
God's Spirit, like a best friend on a walk, desires that you enjoy his presence and learn to embrace him all day, every day.
Selah people' and friends this verse from Galatians teaches you the vital truth that if you follow the Holy Spirit, he will help you do what's right always and never to do what is wrong. AS the Bible teaches, it's like a walk or stroll where God's Spirit becomes a real vibrant part of your life. With Him there, you will naturally turn away from wrong and do good.
"Walking by the Spirit is not difficult. Ask Him to reveal himself to you. Then proceed, expecting Him to speak, guide, encourage, and point out any wrong path you might be taking. Remember my friends you do not have to walk alone. Allow your friend to come along and guide you."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
December 1, 2009 ~ Are you tired?
Are you weary and heavy burdened? Yesterday as I was journaling and study the word from James and Luke I was compelled to look deep into my soul and ask myself is believing alone enough to be fulfilled? It was obvious to me that when God changes us there is just an outward change that reflects and shows what God has done inside us.
I can remember back in high school for me it was a positive energy that flowed from you eyes and your spirit onto other people. You could feel it happening in a classroom, in the huddle on the football field right before a big play and just sitting along the waterfront with your best friend in the whole world.
Today if you could take a moment to look introspectively and be inspired by "TEAM HOYT". When I feel drained and like my day or week is tough all I need do is watch the Love of this Daddy for his son and see them both cross that finish line. As each of us continue to work toward the ultimate finish line may we too help to push, pull or carry another along the way.
Be blessed today!
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Monday, November 30, 2009
November 30, 2009 ~ Doing or Believing?
Today's Scripture:
You see that Abraham's faith and the things he did worked together. His faith was made perfect by what he did.
James 2:22
Many people have struggled with the meaning of James 2:22. Is believing in the right things most important? Or is doing the right things most important? I can't help but connect this thought to the "Golden Rule" as is found in Luke 6:31. Clearly, behavior is important. What you do to someone else can hurt that person, while your beliefs may simply be a point of disagreement. God wants all people to treat one another rightly, to do good with their lives, and to serve each other in real terms, like helping an elderly neighbor get to the doctor, babysitting for a harried mother, or giving a cheering word to a coworker.
On the other hand, faith is also important. Trusting God-building a relationship with him and becoming intimate friends- is of great importance. How do doing good and believing in God relate: Some people believe doing good and believing in God relate? Some people believe doing good is what life is really all about or why God created us in the first place, while still others say faith is paramount. I right this today in my journal reflecting on how the word impacts me in my life and to challenge you as my brothers and sisters to do the same.
Selah people' and friends the verse from James highlights the powerful truth that faith and doing good go together. Faith produces a heart and life that seek to do what is right and helpful. Faith comes first, but quickly following are the good character, deeds, thoughts, and words of a person who loves God. You can't have one without the other.
Your life changes when you truly believe. God works in your heart to produce a humble, godly, life-honoring, and life-building person.
"Faith becomes perfect or mature when you let your faith tell your mouth, heart, and body to do good for everyone. When this attitude characterizes your lifestyle, you will truly be a "woman or man of faith" in God's eyes."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Sunday, November 29, 2009
November 29th, 2009 ~ True Joy

Philippians 4:4
Andi stared out the office window at the bluebirds nesting in her little birdhouse. Smiling, she said "Thank you, Lord" under her breath. A few moments later, as she filed some papers, she found herself singing a song she'd heard on the radio. Belting out the words filled her with a joy she couldn't explain. She suddenly found herself bowing at her desk and praying, "Lord you are so good. Thank you for all the blessings of today and every day. I feel like shouting 'Hallelujah' wherever I go."
Andi had learned a new habit over the last few months: rejoicing in the Lord. The idea came from Philippians 4:4, surely one of the great truths for a time in history when so many people are attacking, hurting, complaining, and criticizing. When you think about it, there are many things to rejoice in about God, with God, and for God. Think about your senses. Taste, touch, hearing, seeing, smelling. What miracles they are. They are great things to rejoice in. Your home, your country, your job. God enjoys it when you rejoice in these gifts.Selah people' and friends rejoicing in the Lord is something God wants you to cultivate in your life. It takes a little effort at first, some thinking and some reflecting.
As you become more used to rejoicing, thanking, and praising, you will feel freer about it and more natural.
"Nothing my friends is more natural than being glad for some one's presence, care, love, or gifts. Let God know when you appreciate the things he has put into your life. It will refresh him and you."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church :
To listen to our message online:
Saturday, November 28, 2009
November 28, 2009 ~ He Understands
Today's Scripture:
Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.
Psalm 147:5
Friends, moms, and God all tend to have something in common: they understand. Think of a person in your life who is a good friend. You have probably spent hours together and shared many experience. As a result, you understand each other. The more you communicate, the more you understand each other's perspective and understand where the other person is coming from. You may not always agree with your friend's choices, but you probably understand why they made them.
The same may be true if you have children or are around them. If you watch children to figure out what makes them tick, what motivates them, you'll better understand the reasons why they do some of the thing they do. For instance, when you realize your child is afraid of monsters under the bed, you have a little more patience and understanding when he or she doesn't want to sleep in their room alone.
Selah people' and friends one of the most glorious facts about having a relationship with God is the realization that he understands your deepest desires and hopes. He realizes the temptations you face. He knows how hard you try. God knows everything about you, good and bad, and loves you thoroughly. Because he understands you so well, you can trust him and turn to him at any time.
"Never hesitate to turn to God in your joy, or in your challenges. He understands your motivations, your struggles, and your faith."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Thursday, November 26, 2009
November 26, 2009 ~ Thanksgiving video! Sara Groves - Setting Up the Pins
We have so much to be thankful for. May we be there for one another in the little things and when God calls on us to do great things.
God bless you and your family!
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Flipping for Jesus....November 24, 2009
May your day be blessed and you and I flip for the right reasons!
In Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Monday, November 23, 2009
November 23, 2009 ~ The Right Battlefield
Today's Scripture:
Our fight is not against people on earth but against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world's darkness, against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world.
Ephesians 6:12
Sometimes Fran becomes dismayed. As she reads the daily newspapers, she often feels heaviness in her heart. She wants to do something to counter people who promote illicit sex or try to curb religious expression. She doesn't like confrontation with outsiders.
Ephesians 6:12 tells another story of the world. It isn't you versus "them." Instead, it's you plus God, God's people, and God's angels versus the real enemies of God - demons, fallen angels, and Satan. You are not alone my brothers and sisters! It isn't your battle. It is a battle the whole world is engaged in, and God is on your side. Seeing the world through the lens of Ephesians 6:12 will change your perspective. God is in this with you. It isn't the people of the world you must fight, but forces beyond this world who simply use those people as their pawns. My son likes to play a video game on the computer called "Ages of War" and in it the soldiers march into battle from both sides much like the game lemmings I remembers from back over 20 years ago. They march blindly into battle and when the battle begins to seem that your side can't defeat the other you play what I call the "act of God button". Fire or lighting comes from the sky and destroys the enemy. Such is life.
Selah people' and friends when you and I feel evil in the world, you are not actually fighting against other people. The people who think it is okay to take a life or act in immoral manner aren't your enemies. Instead, the battle rages on a spiritual level all about you. That's where the true battle rages. From that spiritual plane come the temptations, deceptions, and scams that fill your world. When you do battle in prayer or service, or when you tell others the good news that God loves them, you are battling those forces as much as anything in this world.
The true battle my friends is on a spiritual plane. You must fight it with God's spiritual tools and weapons...truthfulness, righteousness, peacemaking. Use those tools, and victory will be God's and yours."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
If you missed our Sunday message are beyond or physical address please listen online at the following link:
Sermon: "Christ Kingdom Is Not of This World"
Scripture: John 18: 33-37
Sunday, November 22, 2009
November 22, 2009 ~ God loves us with all our imperfections
Do the best you can where you are with what God has given you. Keep trying, keep shooting and you too will eventually score in the way God wants you to. Keep a smile on your face regardless of the outcomes. If your doing it with joy in your heart the score really doesn't matter. Life is a journey and we can look forward to the eternal destination.
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Friday, November 20, 2009
November 20, 2009 ~ Putting Teeth to Your Words
One strange facet of nature is the snail's tongue. Long like ribbon and kept rolled up until it's needed, the tongue contains more than thirty thousand teeth embedded in it. With those teeth, the snail can saw through and consume leaves, stems, and other edible, leafy parts.
Like the snail, some human tongues also contain teeth, figuratively speaking. However, that's not necessarily negative. Just as the snail uses it powerful teeth for good - sawing through leaves and getting nourishment - so can you put powerful teeth behind your tongue and help others.
Don't complain or criticize, but put teeth into your words by encouraging, giving, and nurturing.
Speak words of light, life, and love.
Selah people' and friends Ephesians 4:29 tells you how to use your tongue if you want to please God. Say things that are good and speak to the need of the moment. Do you see someone who is hurting and broken? Speak words of hope. Have you crossed paths with a friend today who is troubled and worried? Reach into your heart and find words that will saw into the pain and cut it out of the soul. When you use your tongue to speak such words, you will find that people draw close to you and will listen gladly to your wisdom, stories, thoughts, and concerns.
An old proverb says to "think before you speak." Before you speak, think about the need of the moment and of how others might be built up. Put teeth into your words.
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Listen to this weeks sermon message and Selah choral anthem at our media website:
Selah Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)1332 Selah Church RoadFour Oak, NC 27530
Map/Directions to church:
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Blog Archive
- Cruise Ship vs. Battleship
- December 25, 2009 ~ Psalm 139
- December 24, 2009 ~ What is Christmas All About?
- December 23, 2009 ~ Money Isn't Everything...
- Do You Hear What I Hear?- Video ~ Tim Hawkins
- December 21, 2009 ~ When God Steps In
- December 20, 2009 ~ Father & Son ....TOGETHER!
- December 19, 2009 ~ A Child is Born!
- December 18, 2009 ~ Fresh Truth
- Retooning the Nativity ~ Do we know Christmas by s...
- December 17, 2009 ~ Amazing Grace techno lights!
- Sacred Acre - One Man Changes a Community: Video
- December 16, 2009 ~ While You Were Sleeping
- December 15, 2009 ~ Call to Him
- Over the hill to the poor-house...
- December 13, 2009 ~ A Video Christmas Card from......
- December 12, 2009 ~ A Competent God
- December 11, 2009 ~ The Living Nativity?
- December 10, 2009 ~ Tribute: Sallie Leuria Settlemyer
- Church Leaders Intelligence Report 12.9.2009 ~ Be ...
- December 9, 2009 ~ Half-Baked Cakes
- December 8, 2009 ~ Jesus or Santa?
- December 7, 2009 ~ "What will you do when you fall...
- December 6, 2009 ~ Pains of Joy
- December 5, 2009 ~ Never Forsaken...
- December 3, 2009 ~ Christmas with a Capital "C"
- December 2, 2009 ~ A Walk with a Friend
- December 1, 2009 ~ Are you tired?
- November 30, 2009 ~ Doing or Believing?
- November 29th, 2009 ~ True Joy
- November 28, 2009 ~ He Understands
- November 26, 2009 ~ Thanksgiving video! Sara Grove...
- Flipping for Jesus....November 24, 2009
- November 23, 2009 ~ The Right Battlefield
- November 22, 2009 ~ God loves us with all our impe...
- November 20, 2009 ~ Putting Teeth to Your Words