Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9, 2009 ~ Half-Baked Cakes

Is your faith through-and-through or Half-baked?

Today's Scripture:

My people mingle with the heathen, picking up their evil ways; thus they become as good-for-nothing as a half baked cake!

Hosea 7:8

Although no one seems to know the exact history of pancakes, apparently even the earliest civilizations quickly learned that ground-up grain and water made a basic pancake. Over the years, people learned that ingredients like eggs and baking powder made the cakes lighter. Now you can find pancakes made out of all sorts of grain ingredients, with myriad stuffings and toppings. Patty tells about the chocolate-chip pancakes her mom used to make. "They were really thick, " Patty explains. "Mom mixed the chocolate chips into the batter and poured it into the pan."

Patty loved those pancakes-usually. "Sometimes however the pancake would look done. But when I cut into it, raw batter would ooze out. It was pretty disgusting."

Half-cooked pancakes not only taste bad, but they also carry a threat of salmonella poising from the raw eggs. And you can't take a half-cooked pancake, flip it back on the griddle, and make it good-for the inside to heat more, for the outside will get rubbery.

You can't do anything with a half-cooked pancake except throw it away.

Selah people' and friends a half-baked cake or pancake is the illustration Hosea gave in the Scripture tackling the paramount issue of trying to live between two worlds spiritually. The person doesn't really want to live wholly like a God-follower; but on the other hand, nor does he or she want to live like someone who isn't a God-follower. As a result, the person doesn't fit anywhere and is about as useful as a half-raw pancake. Trust me I have been there myself and it that middle of the road, straddle-the-fence kind of life that is empty.

"Look at where you are today and keep serving God with a wholehearted commitment. Place your total faith in him, and every day explore ways you can serve him better."

Your pastor,


Selah Christian Church

Four Oaks, NC

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