Thursday, December 6, 2012
December 6, 2012 ~ A New Thing...
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun.
Isaiah 43:19
Today's Word:
Can you see the “brand new thing” God is doing in your life? Sometimes it’s easy to see the hand of God moving, and sometimes the storms of life can cloud our vision. But no matter where you are in life today, meditate on this truth that God is working even when you can’t see Him.
Like a seed buried deep in the ground, it may seem dark and lonely and there may be dirt all around, but that is a place where life springs forth. Trust that God is doing a new thing! You can trust Him because He is faithful!
His plan my friend for you today is blessing. His plan is to give you a future and a hope. His plan is to do a new thing in your life. Let go of the thoughts of the past and open your heart to what God is doing today.
Selah people' and friends ask Him to show you what He’s doing. Ask Him to reveal it to your heart. Seek Him and you will find Him and see the brand new think He’s doing in you!
Our Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, thank You for doing a work in me, even when I don’t see it. Thank You for the brand new thing You have. I open my heart and put my faith and trust in You in Jesus’ name!" Amen.
In Christ service,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Saturday, December 1, 2012
December 4, 2012 ~ Amazing Grace?
Today's Scripture:
"For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
Ephesians 2:8
Today's Word:
Grace is that beautiful word which describes man's unearned favor from God. A good example of grace was witnessed one day: a dog riding in brand new Mercedes. Lots of dogs ride in cars or in my neighborhood near our farm trucks, but this one conjured up a somewhat theological picture in my mind.
Not every dog has the high honor of being transported in such a fancy car. But there he was, prancing back and forth on the plush leather seat, real proud-like, and taking in the scenery. You would've thought he owned the car. He didn't look like some common mutt but was of highbrow stock. Still he was just a dog. His circumstances were sure a cut above the average canine's, but through no doings of his own.
You see without the owner-driver, ol' dog would've been hard put. He was ridin' high because his friend bought him, cared for him, gave him the run of his nice new car, and had even opened the door for him. Mr. Dog was indebited to his master for it all. And it didn't cost him a thing.
Selah people' and friends, God's grace toward us is like that. We ride in the chariot of His love, not because we deserve to, but because He makes it possible. We may think we are right high and mighty, but sinner is our pedigree. Jesus paid for us with His own blood, loves and cares for us, opens the door of salvation for us and rides with us to the Eternal City. Because of Him we are where we are, and it doesn't cost us a thing. That's the way of grace you and I can thank our good master for.
Our Prayer:
Loving Father you are the master and provider for all that we have. We recognize the joy found in our loyalty to You. Be with each of us as we strive to be obedient. In Jesus name we pray
In Christ love,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
June 27, 2012 ~ Correcting Our Faults!
"To every man...not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think."
Romans 12:3
Today's Word:
As I sit here watching my daughter cheer it made me think about us seeing ourselves as others see us. One of my first early services as pastor where we had breakfast at Selah I had dressed and polished up my shoes. My trousers being light tan and the first time I had worn that suit, I had rolled up the legs to protect them from the shoe polish. Happily, I arrived at the church and greeted some of the men who were hard at preparing that breakfast. Finally one gentle-hearted brother (can't remember if it were Ed or Billy Carter) said to me, "You can roll them down now preacher."
Friends, I looked down and sure enough my pant legs were rolled up high enough I could have waded through a six-inch-deep puddle. And let me tell you there wasn't a raindrop falling. There I was decked out in my finest new Easter suit, shirt starched, tie tacked, pocket silk just right, shoes shined, but totally unaware of what I really looked like. I guess that explained all the men's large grins on there faces. Sheepishly, I had no choice but to grin too.
A drop of truth can be distilled from that experience. So often we suppose we are presenting a finer picture of ourselves to others than we actually are. And yes they see things about us that we haven't seen. Sometimes they are just too polite to tell us the truth. But there we stand, proud as peacocks, not knowing that some character defect glaringly spoils the picture.
The Bible will mirror us if we let it. For example our Scripture Romans 12:3 reminds us not to think more highly of himself than he ought. Again, the Word reminds "Let a man examine himself" (1 Corinthians 11:28). But ol' self stands tall and flinches when he is probed. We would rather put the evil eye on the other fella or madam. We think it makes us look better.
Selah people and friends I remind us to give thanks to those loving souls who care enough about us to keep us from looking like idiots to others. They must have read these good words: "If a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou be tempted." (Galatians 6:1) Remember that a bent back is required to unroll pant legs. And bowed heart is required to set life in order.
Our Prayer For Today:
We come to you Lord just as we are each day. You are the only one who can truly forgive our sins. We thank you for sending brothers and sisters as well as your son Jesus. Allow us to correct our faults and model ourselves in His image. In Jesus name we pray! Amen.
Your brother and friend in Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Sunday, November 25, 2012
"Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do"
Hebrews 4:13
Have you ever had your mind go in one direction and your body in another, only to end up in a rather peculiar position? Let me tear another dumb page out of many dumb doings and let you read it.
Another hospital visit completed, I returned to my car in the parking lot and got in. To my astonishment, the steering wheel was missing. I remarked in my mind just me, "Somebody's stolen my steering wheel!" About that time mind and body reunited, and I realized I was sitting in the back seat!
Now when you do a stupid a thing if your like me don't you think everybody knows it? I looked around to see if anyone had seen me. No one being in sight, I slipped out of the back seat and into the front seat. Sure enough, the steering wheel was where it had always been. Boy, was I relieved!
Selah people and friends when we look at this scenario two thoughts result. First, sometimes the situation is not wrong: we are. Second, though man may not see what we do, God does. Perhaps God smiled that night at one of His not-to-bright tired younguns and one of His called pastors. I hope so; for I did, and have, many times since.
Lord we thank you for steering us in the direction you have for us and using life's experience to show us the truth. Be with us as we begin a new week filled with new opportunities for us to learn and grow in Christ.
Your brother in Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston -Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Friday, November 23, 2012
June 23, 2012 ~ Humbly Serve...
Today's Scripture:
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
1 Peter 4:10
Today's Word:
I have a couple secular degrees however I am not a highly-educated theologian, but that being said I am a student of God's word and have the love of Christ in my heart, and I use every spare moment I have to serve Him and serve others. God calls on us to serve others whenever possible so I have answered His call to volunteer and serve His church. My answering this call has allowed me to get close to others by being there to visit the sick, donating clothes, food for the hungry I feel good knowing that I am serving a vital purpose in my church at Selah Christian Church and our Graham Community.
For me it has led me to pastor the last 10 years at a God loving community church. My first 10 years however was carried out just doing the simple task of being there for my neighbors. When we love and serve our neighbors, we show our devotion to God. Good deeds may or may not require much time. It may be a visit at the hospital, retirement home or hospice. A card, call, email or text can encourage someone. Being there for your fellow servants to support them if they are doing things in the community or at church come out and show them you care what they are doing. Young and old know how much you care by your presence.
Selah people and friends, In a short time, we can be good and faithful servants. A seemingly small act may stay in the heart and mind of another person for years to come. Even more important, when we extend a hand to someone who needs help, we do the work God calls us to do.
Our Prayer For Today:
Lord, thank you for the blessings you have given each of us. Help us to open our hearts and minds turn to our neighbors, passing along the blessings you have given us. We give glory to you, Lord Jesus, and pray as you taught us, "Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. In Jesus' name.
Your brother in Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston - Pastor
Selah Christian Church - Four Oaks, NC
Friday, June 8, 2012
June 8, 2012 ~ In the Day of Trouble...
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble"
Psalm 46:1
God is always present with you. That means at all times, continually, perpetually, throughout all time, God is with you. In your day of trouble, He is a help to you. How is He your help? By providing whatever you need; by opening doors for you; by orchestrating things in your favor. That's because "help" is specific to your need. We serve a God who is very specific, and because He is always with you, He always knows exactly what you need!
Selah people and friends today, are you facing trouble or adversity? Know that God is with you. Look to Him for help. Trust that He has the answer, and that He is working things out in your favor. As you continue to believe Him, His word and follow His direction, He will lead you in the way that you should go. He will comfort you, revive you, restore you and bless you! He will be your ever-present help because He is forever faithful to His Word!
Father God, thank You for being my ever-present help. I trust today that You are with me, that You are comforting me and restoring my soul. I lift my eyes to You this day. Help me to follow Your commands and honor You as You direct my steps. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Selah Christian Church - Four Oaks, NC
Church: 919-689-3782
Friday, April 6, 2012
April 6, 2012 ~ Ask What You Desire...
"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."
John 15:7
It pleases God to give you the desires of your heart! He wants to see you happy, whole, strong and enjoying His blessing. When you make the Word of God your number one priority, when you stay connected to Him through prayer and worship, God promises that He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 tells us again that if we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts. One of the root definitions of the word "delight" means "soft." This gives the picture of us being soft and moldable, like clay, in the Potter's hands. As we allow Him to shape and mold our character, as we yield ourselves to Him, our thoughts become His thoughts, our words become His Words, and our desires become His desires! That's how we can ask whatever we will because our will is in alignment with Him!
Selah people' and friends today, don't allow the distractions of everyday life keep you from spending time with Him. Abide in Him and let His Words abide in you because He will give you the desires of your heart!
"Heavenly Father, today I submit every area of life to You. I invite You to have Your way in my heart. Mold me and make me as I surrender every area of my life to You. I praise You and give You all the glory. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
Your brother in Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Sunday, April 1, 2012
April 1, 2012 ~ PALM SUNDAY
What is Palm Sunday all about...enjoy this video as the Skit Guys share thoughts on what the Word tells us of Christ's triumphal entry on a donkey.
As we begin this Easter week let us remember the triumph that occured before the last supper and Golgotha.
Your brother in Christ,
Come as we are leave better...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
March 24, 2012 ~ Accelerate!
"My times are in Your hand..."
Psalm 31:15
One thing I've learned is that God doesn't always work on our timetable. In fact, He rarely does. But in a single moment, God can change your life! All throughout Scripture, we see examples of how God was working behind the scenes and instantly turned things around for His people. Scripture tells us He is the same yesterday, today and forever which means He can instantly turn things around for you, too!
You may be going through some difficulty today, but be encouraged because your times are in God's hands. He wants to accelerate things in your favor. He wants to take you further than you dreamed possible and work in your life in ways beyond what you have ever imagined.
Selah people' and friends let this truth sink down into your heart today. Resist discouragement by speaking His Word over your future. Keep standing. Keep hoping; keep believing because He is working behind the scenes. He's going to accelerate your times and lead you into the life of victory He has for you!
"Father God, today I humbly come before You giving You all that I am. I trust that my times are in Your hands. I trust that You are working things out in my favor. I set my focus on You knowing that You are working things out for my good. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
Your brother in Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Thursday, March 22, 2012
March 22, 2012 ~ That You May Be Healed!
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results"
James 5:16
Relationships are so important in the eyes of God. As His children, He desires that we live in unity and stay connected with one another. When we are transparent and pray for each other, something supernatural takes place. We open the door for God to pour out His abundant blessing and healing in our lives. When we walk in love and unity, our prayers become more effective, and His power is released through us.
Living in peace and unity doesn't mean you have to agree with everyone around you all the time. It means you look for common ground. It means you reach out to others; you pray for them and help meet their needs.
Jennifer and I recently felt called by God to take on the role of teachers for young adults at Selah. This is a wonderful opportunity as ministers to put on the hat of teacher and facilitator sharing God's word and life issues with young people face-to-face. This is what it means to be a brother and sister in Christ for others.
Selah people' and friends when we put the needs of others first, God will always make sure our own needs are abundantly supplied. When we live with a servant's heart toward others, it opens the door for God's complete healing — physically, spiritually and emotionally.
"Father in heaven, thank You for revealing Your truth to my heart. I choose Your ways above my own and ask that You open opportunities for me to pray for others and open the door for Your healing power. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
Your brother in Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
March 21, 2012 ~ Dreams in the Making...
" 'Here comes that dreamer!' they said to each other"
Genesis, 37:19
In scripture, Joseph was a dreamer. His dreams were so real that he just had to tell others about them. Not everyone was as excited about Joseph's dreams as he was, but that didn't keep him from dreaming. It didn't keep him from believing what was in his heart. When opposition came, when his family turned their back on him, when he was falsely accused and thrown into prison, he kept on dreaming. His life didn't take the route he had expected, but God was working behind the scenes realigning his steps until those dreams in his heart became reality.
Selah people' and friends today, I want to encourage you, no matter what route your life has taken, no matter who has turned their back on you, no matter what anyone else has said about you, those God-given dreams in your heart are still in the making. Your part is to keep believing, keep forgiving, keep following your heart, and stay obedient to His Word. As you stay in faith, just like Joseph, God will take you from the pit to the palace. He'll order your steps and fulfill those dreams and desires He has placed within you!
"Father, thank You for the dreams and desires You've placed within me. Even when I can't see it, I trust that You are working behind the scenes. I choose to tune out the negative voices and press into You. Keep me close and guide my every step in Jesus' name. Amen."
Your brother in Christ,
Monday, March 19, 2012
March 19, 2012 ~ Call It Like You See It!
"God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did"
Romans 4:17
One thing I've learned is that God calls the things that are not as if they already are. He doesn't call you what you are; He calls you the way He sees you. That's because He creates with His words, and you do, too. Remember that God designed and wired you a certain way. Designed for good works as the word reminds us in (Ephesians 2:10). I also must note that Callings do not need to be entirely or just a calling to preach – you can be called to be a teacher, plumber, mother, banker, travel agent, builder, politician, engineer, journalist, artist, nurse…and you can answer your call and do it to serve God and His people, our brothers and sisters in Christ as well as to help reach the lost. God calls you to use the gifts you have that are part of you to demonstrate who he is, as well as to "do stuff" which is a part of our christian walk with the Lord.
I can remember when I stepped up to pastor Selah church full time the first Sunday of 2003 a little over 9 years ago (seems like just a year or so ago), I'd never ministered/pastor a congregation before. I had served Browning's United Methodist as a lay leader,Chairman of the administrative board, council member, choir, Sunday school teacher and yes I had filled pulpits for 9 years as "fill in" any where and any denomination that called me but for me to be the leader of a flock I was afraid. I felt unqualified, inexperienced, and intimidated. The whole time, on the inside, I could hear that still, small voice saying, "Patrick, you are well able. You can do all things through Christ. Stop running from this and run to it. Get after it for son you have what it takes. You are strong in the Lord." God was calling me something that I was not. I was not strong and bold and confident. I was weak, insecure, and intimidated. Somehow, like many other pastors before me I had the faith to believe what God said about me, not what negative thoughts I was having or excuses. And it didn't happen overnight, but little by little, I became what God called me(Pastor to a thriving, living, breathing, growing congregation of fellow believers). Today I still battle to be more for God and to be transformed to all He wants me to become for my family, my congregation, my community and for all the loss I have yet to share the good news with.
Selah people' and friends today, follow His example and call things that are not as though they are. Look through your eyes of faith and call it like you see it. Don't use your words to talk about your situation; use your words to change your situation. Keep speaking words of faith, keep praying, keep believing and keep moving forward into the bright future He has for you!
Father God, today I choose to look through my eyes of faith and call things that are not as though they are. I declare victory over every area of my life no matter what is happening around me. Thank You for the gift of faith. In Jesus' Name Amen.
Your brother in Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
Sunday, March 18, 2012
March 18, 2012 ~ Direction and Protection...
"For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless" |
Psalm 84:11 |
My friends God has many ways of pouring out His favor and goodness on our lives. Scripture says that He is your sun and shield. What does the sun do for us? It lights our way, keeps us warm, and nourishes the plants of the earth so that we can have food. Think about that for a moment. The earth is sustained by its relationship to the sun, and God wants to sustain you through your relationship with Him. He wants to give you direction and be your shield of protection against all the fiery darts of the enemy. In the natural, it's easy to fall into the trap of relying on the things of this world to direct and protect us. But when we put our trust and hope in our heavenly Father, not only does it enrich our relationship with Him, it opens the door to the supernatural realm. It opens the door to supernatural favor, wisdom, divine connections, new ideas and so much more. Selah people' and friends when you trust in Him, He shines His light on your path and leads you forward into the blessing and victory He has prepared for you! |
"Father in heaven, today I open my heart and mind to You. I choose to put my trust in You and receive Your blessing of direction and protection. Show me Your ways that I may walk with You today and always in Jesus' name. Amen." |
Your brother in Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC