Today I was inspired by my cousin David and his new wife Jennifer as I read through the entire blog my Mom had forwarded to me.
I thought to myself as I stopped to take a break from my work for the first time this afternoon that as challenged as they are in a Bishkek, Kirkestan...not sure of the spelling but I do know if you can't spell it you can imagine how far and how isolated it is.
For us that live in the Grantham' and Dobbersville communities we understand a little when people from Raliegh and Durham say where is that?
Moving forward I will try to daily put some thoughts and words as I travel the stage we call work and minister to those travelling with me. I feel led to use this as a place for sharing a scripture a day with devotion for all my young and young at heart Selah Church members.
We are in process of planning and preparing to build our new sanctuary and all that entails. I was blown away by how God continues to move us and grow us spiritually. As we grow as individuals and the building, church family and community expand to accomodate us I see us growing our infrustructure of electronic media ministry, online prayer list, skydrive files of photos and audio sermons growing as well. My former boss and mentor Rev Ken Powell used to always say "Work smarter, not harder". I think that goes along with God's plan and stewardship. "Peace be with you and grab someone and tell them that God loves them"!
Your pastor,
Rev Muston