"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 NKJV
Wouldn't it have been incredible to have been with God the day he began creating the world. I think on this as our little church Selah is in the process of meeting, designing and planning our new sanctuary; both the inside details of how many it will seat, where to put the bathrooms, the baptistry and the outside appearances and location of the building. We can reflect on the process God had on designing the moon, the sun and the planets. The power and creativity our Lord has just gives us a glimpse of all that He is capable of.
The creation of heaven and earth involved science, math, biology, chemistry, all of the other school subjects that humans would not discover for some time. Much of creation remains a mystery to us even after all these years. Much of what God does is just too huge for the human mind to comprehend. The creation story is a loud statement from God to you and to me about who He is, how powerful He is, and what His plan is.
God has used his glorious power to arrange all the little intricate details of our world that we live in. God didn't just make one tree for you and I but he made hundreds of thousands of species of trees. God's power created all that we need including water, food, and shelter. God's abilities go way beyond merely providing for our physical needs, however; he supplies us with a direction and purpose for a great life.
It is no small thing to create even one star...or as I've heard joked to even create the dirt we walk upon from nothing.
If God can create the dirt and stars out of nothing, imagine what He can do with your life!
It is comforting to me to know, as your pastor and friend, that each of us in the beginning were a special project ~ God took a personal interest in you and provided exactly what you needed to live and prosper as his creation.

In Christ service,
Your Pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)