The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows those who trust in Him.
Nahum 1:7 NKJV

The People of Nineveh had messed up once before, and a hundred years later they were again choosing to live their own way. By indulging their desires at will, they had removed themselves from the safety and protection of God. At first having our own way has a certain appeal because it seems to offer freedom, fun, sensuality, and excitement. The appeal however, is lost once we realize that our way may not be as good as God's way for our life. God's way includes boundaries, but they are designed for our safety.
Choosing to live according to God's will reminds me of the story of the three little pigs, as we must choose a safe shelter or home for our life. The Hebrew word for stronghold used in Nahum 1:7 is "ma'owz", which means "a place of safety, protection, refuge."
Imagine two houses. One house is more like a castle with a moat, tall solid walls, and thick wooden doors designed to keep anyone inside safe from harm. The other house has just basic doors, walls, and windows. Living in God's will is like living in the castle, compared to living in just a regular common house.
The people of Nineveh drifted back into the bad habit of doing things their own way and ignoring God. As a result of ditching and ducking God's ways, they left themselves unprotected and open to attack from the enemies of the world. Speaking through Nahum, God called them back to the protection of his will. God will always be there for you when pain, tragedy, disappointment, and frustration threaten to invade your life. When you feel like you are under attack, whether at home, at school, or at work, God always offers you his protection.
Nahum's message was this:
"God is good. Living within God's loving will puts you and I in the most secure position we can be."
If you choose to live outside God's boundaries, in a sense you're choosing also to live outside his protection. As your pastor and a man of God I can confess in my lifetime and walk with the Lord I too must constantly check myself and ensure I am within those boundaries. As brothers and sisters in Christ it is our call to watch out for each other and alert each other when we will one of us is crossing the line and endangering that protection.
I leave you with a final question for you to ponder...What areas of your life need to be brought within the walls of God's stronghold?
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"Peace be with you and grab someone and tell them that God loves them"!
In Christ service,
Your pastor ~
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)