Monday, March 14, 2011

March 13, 2011~ Anxiety Cured? Do not cling to your own understanding...


"Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:6-7


Anxiety—don't carry it, walk with it, eat with it, chew gum with it, live with it, go to bed with it. Don't entertain it, support it, encourage it—not in big things or little things, present things or future things, pressing things or perplexing things. It is a foe not a friend, a downer not an edifier, a binder not a freer. It will quickly introduce you to its close cousins, fret and fear.  When anxiety knocks at the door of your heart or mind, be sure to renounce it, reject it, and refuse it any place.

Instead of being anxious about anything my friend, you can begin to pray about everything. Prayer means that you have a God to go to and to talk to, who hears and answers prayer. Mix your prayers with thankfulness. Thanksgiving reflects an attitude of gratefulness to God for inviting you to come to Him, and it shows that you truly trust Him to take care of you, regardless of your circumstances. I echoed these thoughts to my 7 year old Luke last night after our bedtime story while we were saying our prayers goodnight. He could not find his DSi (video game) after church, he thought he had thrown it on the bed just before running to Grandma Bonnie's house for lunch. At bedtime none of us could find it and blame, doubt and ANXIETY had consumed his young mind. Tears in his eyes he prayed for God to help it return and for God to punish whoever took it with guilt. I helped him modify his prayer with a "perfect" teacher adjustment as the Gracie's teach in jiu jitsu. Sure enough his older sister had hidden the game in anger and left for church unknowing of the pain and worry it would cause. In the middle of the night he awoke and asked me "Daddy, has my game been found did Maddie know where it was?" I reassured him she did and yes it had been found and his prayers answered.

Selah people' and friends as you pray today about your burdens and begin to trust God to work, He will give you the assurance that He is in control. He will do this by giving you His peace. God doesn't give you circumstantial peace, but His peace, a peace which remains constant and undisturbed through every circumstance.

God's peace is His answer for anxiety. His peace will quiet you and calm you; it will minister health to your nerves and rest to your spirit. God's peace is more powerful than anxiety, fear, or worry, and His peace will defeat any foe that tries to attack your heart and mind. At the heart of these attacks is an attempt to have you to turn your faith away from God and to focus instead on your needs and circumstances. God's peace strengthens you from these attacks by giving you the assurance that God is for you and that no weapon formed against you will prosper.


"My prayer today is that I may never again turn away from God's peace. Yield and surrender my heart and mind to His peace. My I say with my words and my heart, "Yes, Lord, I receive Your peace." I know now I do not need to understand why certain things are happening in order to have God's peace.I know now that His peace transcends my own understanding. God's peace is the same peace that Jesus said He would give to me and that It is a peace that the world cannot give me. His peace belongs to me because I belong to Him."

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

In Christ service,


Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor

Selah Christian Church

Four Oaks, NC