Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4th, 2010 - Leadership Learned from Nature

God has given us a vast world to learn from...

What is God speaking to you today?

Selah people' and friends,
I had this forwarded to me from Mac at He shares with us a video story of how in through nature God can show we humans how we could better work as a team. Be it in our jobs, church, families or actual sports teams. You may ask yourself what the secret is to this? No is has been here for us all the time and we just haven't stopped long enough to reflect on what it means.

You see this group is a society where teamwork, loyalty and communication are the norm rather than the exception. Sound like utopia? Actually, it's already present in nature - in a wolf pack.

The wolf pack knows who it is. Those in the pack exist for each other. Today, if you pause from your day long enough to click the link you'll watch a beautiful movie (less than 4 minutes) that is about wolves and how they can teach us a lot about leadership and about life.

Just sit back, turn up your speakers, and enjoy the music, the photographs, the words and God's message for you and your "Pack"!

Link to video:

In Christ Love and service,


Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor

Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC

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