keep trying to reach the goal and the prize!"
Today's Scripture:
One thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me to through Christ to the life above.
Philippians 3:13-14
Philippians 3:13-14
When the apostle Paul said there is "one thing I always do," it is time to sit up and listen. Paul summarized his goal in life and shared a couple of quick tips on how to persevere toward reaching it. That makes his advice not only important, but extremely helpful to those with that same goal in mind.
Paul's images of "straining toward what is ahead" and "trying to reach the goal" paint a picture of a long distance runner or Cross Fitter whose focus on the rewards of the finish line or end of the WOD (workout of the day) give him or her the strength to persevere, one step or one rep at a time. The goal Paul pointed to is God's call to run toward a Jesus-centered life, leaving his self-centered life behind in the dust. This photo taken by Mike my Cross Fit coach reminds me of this scripture as myself Holly and Brooke push to finish well. You see my friends the prize Paul longed to reach was not eternal life, because Jesus' death has already achieved that. Instead, Paul pursued a mature Christian life, one that yielded rewards both in heaven and on earth.
Paul's purpose and process for perseverance provide practical applications you can use every day of your life. Put your past mistakes, victories, and self-reliance behind you.
Focus your attention and energy on Jesus, not on those running or working alongside you. Keep moving forward...one more step, one more box jump, one more push up or hang snatch-your endurance increases the harder and farther you run and push yourself.
Selah people' and friends keep your goal and the finish line in sight. It doesn't mark the end of your life; it marks the beginning of an eternity spent in the winner's circle with Jesus, the one who enables you and I to be victorious. You see my friends running they have WR's or "world records" for having the best time and in Cross Fit we have PR's which are what we call our "personal records" when one beats their best time. In life we too can experience a PR in the form of a "Praise report"...An eternal celebration of our victory of perseverance.
"Brothers and Sisters it is my humble prayer as your pastor and friend that you will remember that "Persevering" toward maturity in your faith takes both personal effort and the transforming power of God's Spirit. God works through you and I as we do His work. May we push forward to reach all we can for Christ and let nothing stand in our way to this goal."
Your pastor,Paul's images of "straining toward what is ahead" and "trying to reach the goal" paint a picture of a long distance runner or Cross Fitter whose focus on the rewards of the finish line or end of the WOD (workout of the day) give him or her the strength to persevere, one step or one rep at a time. The goal Paul pointed to is God's call to run toward a Jesus-centered life, leaving his self-centered life behind in the dust. This photo taken by Mike my Cross Fit coach reminds me of this scripture as myself Holly and Brooke push to finish well. You see my friends the prize Paul longed to reach was not eternal life, because Jesus' death has already achieved that. Instead, Paul pursued a mature Christian life, one that yielded rewards both in heaven and on earth.
Paul's purpose and process for perseverance provide practical applications you can use every day of your life. Put your past mistakes, victories, and self-reliance behind you.
Focus your attention and energy on Jesus, not on those running or working alongside you. Keep moving forward...one more step, one more box jump, one more push up or hang snatch-your endurance increases the harder and farther you run and push yourself.
Selah people' and friends keep your goal and the finish line in sight. It doesn't mark the end of your life; it marks the beginning of an eternity spent in the winner's circle with Jesus, the one who enables you and I to be victorious. You see my friends running they have WR's or "world records" for having the best time and in Cross Fit we have PR's which are what we call our "personal records" when one beats their best time. In life we too can experience a PR in the form of a "Praise report"...An eternal celebration of our victory of perseverance.
"Brothers and Sisters it is my humble prayer as your pastor and friend that you will remember that "Persevering" toward maturity in your faith takes both personal effort and the transforming power of God's Spirit. God works through you and I as we do His work. May we push forward to reach all we can for Christ and let nothing stand in our way to this goal."
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
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