Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 2011 ~ Draw Closer to God


"Come close to God, and God will come close to you..."

James 4:8


God promises that He will draw close to you when you draw close to Him. How do we draw close to Him? First of all, this verse goes on to say that we must turn away from sin because sin separates us from God. When we turn away from the things that displease Him, we are turning toward Him. That's the first step. Then, the Bible tells us to come into His presence with thanksgiving in our hearts and give Him praise. When you have a thankful heart, you are drawing closer to Him. Thirdly, scripture tells us that God opposes the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. When you live with an attitude of humility, you are drawing closer to Him. Just as in our earthly relationships we must be 100% committed and available to those we love and be present to share our lives each and every day, not just when it is convenient.

Selah people' and friends, there's nothing more important in life than drawing close to God the Father. Seek Him with your whole heart, and you will find Him. Let Him speak to your heart by reading your Bible, praying and meditating on His promises every single day. Worship Him with a humble and open heart because when you seek Him, you will find Him, and He will fill you with His peace, comfort and joy all the days of your life!


"Father in heaven, I choose to draw near to You. I open my heart and turn from anything that displeases You. Fill me with Your power to live the good life You have planned for me as I draw close to You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

In Christ service,


Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor

Selah Christian Church

Four Oaks, NC

Selah people' and friends, click link below to view or download our worship hour from Pentecost Sunday June 12, 2011: