Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11, 2011 ~ A Supernatural Perspective


"...I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland"

Isaiah 43:19


So often, people limit themselves in their thinking. They don't think they'll ever accomplish their dreams. They start thinking they don't have the talent, the connections or the funds. They don't think a marriage could ever be restored or they'll ever get out of debt. But that kind of thinking comes from looking at things in the natural. That's a limited perspective. We have to realize that God is a supernatural God. And just because we don't see a way doesn't mean that God doesn't have a way. God can bring one opportunity across your path that will thrust you to a new level. He has explosive blessings that can blast you out of debt and into abundance! He can do what medical science can't do!

I have seen and experienced many supernatural events both in my life and those close to me. In the brief 8 years 3 months and 11 days I've served as pastor of a church who has a focus on spiritual growth God has moved in so many ways. He has done so in the healing off sickness, the mending of broken relationships, comfort to those hurting both in the church, our shut-ins and our community. He has enabled us to have the wisdom, labor and finances to not only expand our church fellowship hall, Sunday school classrooms, outside playground and storage building, but also to now embark on expanding our sanctuary. Remember my brothers and sisters that "Little is much when God is in it." I ask you to open yourself to allowing our Supernatural God to step into your life and make a way for what you are up against.

Selah people' and friends today, I encourage you to take the limits off your thinking. Lift up your eyes to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Trust that He is working behind the scenes on your behalf, and He will make a way out of no way. Remember, what you are facing may seem impossible with man, but when God puts His "super" on your "natural," anything is possible!


"Father God, thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life. Help me to take the limits off my thoughts and see with a supernatural perspective. Today, I choose to lift up my eyes to You, Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. In Jesus' Name. Amen!"

In Christ service,


Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor

Selah Christian Church

Four Oaks, NC