Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28, 2011 ~ Call It Like You See It!


"God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did"

Romans 4:17


One thing I've learned is that God calls the things that are not as if they already are. He doesn't call you what you are; He calls you the way He sees you. That's because He creates with His words, and you do, too.

When I stepped up to pastor Selah church now over 8 years ago, I'd never served as pastor of a church before. I had served as the fill in "preacher" and served our home church at Brownings United Methodist as a Sunday school teacher and all the other lay positions including Sunday school superintendent, one of the leaders of our youth and Men's group and even as the Chairman of the board, but not "The Pastor".

I was afraid. I felt unqualified, inexperienced, and intimidated. The whole time, on the inside, I could hear that still, small voice saying, "Patrick, you are well able. You can do all things. You have what it takes. You are strong in the Lord." God was calling me something that I was not. I was not strong and bold and confident. I was weak, insecure, and intimidated. Somehow, I had the faith to believe what God said about me. And it didn't happen overnight, but little by little, I became what God called me. I can say what others have said for some time now that I am most definitely the pastor of Selah church and the minister of the Gospel that God has chosen me to be. I continue to grow into what He wants me to become and know that He has so much more planned not only for me but for each of you who read this word today.

Selah people and friends today, follow His example and call things that are not as though they are. Look through your eyes of faith and like my good friend Helen would so often do "call it like you see it." Don't use your words to talk about your situation; use your words to change your situation. Keep speaking words of faith, keep praying, keep believing and keep moving forward into the bright future He has for you!


"Father God, today I choose to look through my eyes of faith and call things that are not as though they are. I declare victory over every area of my life no matter what is happening around me. Thank You for the gift of faith. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

In Christ service,


Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor

Selah Christian Church

Four Oaks, NC