Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 28th, 2011 ~ You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet!


"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him"

1 Corinthians 2:9


Today's verse is really an encouragement for all of us to raise our level of expectancy! It's like God is saying to us, "You think you're blessed? You haven't seen anything yet!" And I'm sure God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that, if He told you right now, would boggle your mind. You wouldn't even believe it.

If you would have told me some twenty four years ago while I was a Swansboro high school senior that God was going to move me from the coast to the country and call me to go back to school and become an ordained minister, an make me a pastor of Selah Christian church and allow me to serve so many people in this community as a Christian leader and counselor to all ages, races and economic and belief levels I would have said, "You've totally lost your mind!" At the time, I could not even fathom that! Friend, that is how God wants to bless you in your future. He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness and with things so wonderful you can't even fathom it!

Selah people' and friends today, get ready for increase. Get prepared for promotion. This year is the year to step into blessings you can't even imagine. Keep believing, keep obeying His Word and keep your heart and mind open to what He has for you because you haven't seen anything yet!


"Father God, today I raise my level of expectancy. I choose to take the limits off of my thinking. I know that You are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ever ask, think or imagine. Thank You for the blessing You have in store for me in 2011! In Jesus' Name. Amen."

In Christ service,

Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor

Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC

NEW!!! Watch video or download our sermon message each week via our Selah media website or through this direct link:

January 23, 2011 Worship hour…

We also have our Christmas program 2010 Link available here as well:

Community Revival sermon: