“I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth”
Psalm 34:1
It’s easy to get focused on what’s wrong in life, what we don’t have, how we have come up short or been done wrong by a friend, family member or co-worker and dwell on how big our obstacles are. If we’re not careful, we’ll lose sight of all the good things God has done in our lives and focus solely on what you feel are negatives in your life. You see, there are times when we’ll take for granted our family, friends, health and the opportunities God has blessed us with. We’ll get so busy and stressed out that we won’t appreciate the gift of today. What’s happened? We have taken our eyes off Jesus and keeping the main thing the main thing.
Our perspective has gotten off.
Perspective is all about how we see a situation. There’s power in your perspective because you will draw into your life what you constantly meditate on. Business may be slow. The economy may be down. The wrong perspective is, “I’ll never make it. It’s just too much.” The right perspective is, “God is supplying all of my needs. He said He would prosper me even in a desert.” What is your desert today? What is it you are focusing all you energy on and putting your heart into? Is it really what God desires for you?
I'll put it to you as my good friend and mentor Rev. Ken Powell used to share often: "If you die today could you say you were ready and had done all that He had desired you to do?" Remember we are not promised tomorrow so don't waste another minute of your time, breath or energy on things that are not beneficial to Him and sharing His love with others.
Selah people' and friends today, I encourage you to evaluate your perspective. Choose to lift your eyes to God the Father no matter what is happening in your circumstances. Remember, as you set your perspective in the right direction, your life will follow. The areas that have been floundering and stagnating will again begin to flourish. When you keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, you open the door for His blessing in every area of your life!
"Heavenly Father, I choose to bless You at all times. I declare that You are faithful! I lift my eyes to You because You are the source of my help, strength and joy forevermore. I choose today to reaffirm my joy comes from you and not from man or circumstances. Thank You for leading and guiding me for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen."
“I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth”
Psalm 34:1
It’s easy to get focused on what’s wrong in life, what we don’t have, how we have come up short or been done wrong by a friend, family member or co-worker and dwell on how big our obstacles are. If we’re not careful, we’ll lose sight of all the good things God has done in our lives and focus solely on what you feel are negatives in your life. You see, there are times when we’ll take for granted our family, friends, health and the opportunities God has blessed us with. We’ll get so busy and stressed out that we won’t appreciate the gift of today. What’s happened? We have taken our eyes off Jesus and keeping the main thing the main thing.
Our perspective has gotten off.
Perspective is all about how we see a situation. There’s power in your perspective because you will draw into your life what you constantly meditate on. Business may be slow. The economy may be down. The wrong perspective is, “I’ll never make it. It’s just too much.” The right perspective is, “God is supplying all of my needs. He said He would prosper me even in a desert.” What is your desert today? What is it you are focusing all you energy on and putting your heart into? Is it really what God desires for you?
I'll put it to you as my good friend and mentor Rev. Ken Powell used to share often: "If you die today could you say you were ready and had done all that He had desired you to do?" Remember we are not promised tomorrow so don't waste another minute of your time, breath or energy on things that are not beneficial to Him and sharing His love with others.
Selah people' and friends today, I encourage you to evaluate your perspective. Choose to lift your eyes to God the Father no matter what is happening in your circumstances. Remember, as you set your perspective in the right direction, your life will follow. The areas that have been floundering and stagnating will again begin to flourish. When you keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, you open the door for His blessing in every area of your life!
"Heavenly Father, I choose to bless You at all times. I declare that You are faithful! I lift my eyes to You because You are the source of my help, strength and joy forevermore. I choose today to reaffirm my joy comes from you and not from man or circumstances. Thank You for leading and guiding me for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen."
In Christ service,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
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