Make your life count for what matters most...seizing every moment
and making the most of Life's God given opportunities.
Be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every change you have for doing good, because these are evil times.
Ephesians 5: 15-16
Today's Word:
Life is filled with opportunities - and obstacles that can prevent you from grabbing hold of them. The secret to making the most of your life lies in making the most of your time.
The first three words hold the key: be very careful.
In the original language, this admonition is much stronger and fuller than what sounds here like a mother's passing comment to her children as they head outside to play. The words describe a way of living (or "walking" as the Bible often describes it) that is precise, accurate, and deliberate. It involves both forethought and heightened sense of awareness. It's similar to the way you drive a car. You need to be constantly attentive, responding appropriately to the ever-changing situations you find yourself in. You swerve to avoid hazards, brake for pedestrians, and follow the rules of the road. Your skill, knowledge, and vigilance help you make wise decisions at a moment's notice.
To live wisely you and I need to do the same thing. We need to face each day spiritually alert. We need to start recognizing evil, so that we can avoid it like a dangerous hazard in the road. At the same time, we need to be on the lookout for opportunities to show love to others and to God - and grab hold of them.
Last night my daughter went to church in Goldsboro with a friend and then a football game. While she was out Jennifer, my son Luke and I watched the movie "To Save A Life." I would say if you have not seen it check it out just note it is PG-13. This movie touches on how so many of us don't seize those opportunities to be there for others. We look back later with regret on our decisions, our sins that were either sins of commission or those of omission. Don't look back my friends with this regret but instead "Seize the moment!"
Selah people' and friends the "Good News" is that God is with you everywhere you go...yes even with that loud music or awkward off key singing He is in the car with you. His Spirit will help guide your daily journey toward a life full of well-utilized opportunities.
"When you start your car, get on your bike, the bus or just walk out the door, recall the words from the book of Ephesians. They can be a reminder to keep your eyes open for opportunities for you to make a positive difference throughout your day. You never know the life you may save it may even be your own."
In Christ service,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
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