Are we coming closer to God or farther away from Him?
Today's Scripture:
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life.
Deuteronomy 30:19
After forty years of wandering through the desert, the Jordan River was all that stood between the people of Israel and the Promised Land. Most of the generation Moses called together to speak to on that day had never known the Egyptian captivity of their parents. Their home had been the desert, and their hope had been the land across the Jordan. From where the Israelites stood, it looked like the hard times were finally over. Stability and prosperity lay ahead.
Yet Moses knew that even in a land of promise and plenty, every individual had a choice. The choice Moses shared with the people of Israel is the same choice God gives every individual had a choice. The choice Moses shared with the people of Israel is the same choice to follow God and receive the benefits of an obedient life. Or you can make a choice that dishonors God and reap the natural negative consequences of your actions.
Selah people' and friends although crucial to determining your eternal destiny, accepting or rejecting God's gift of salvation is only one choice you make in this life.
Every minute is filled with choices - choices that draw you closer to God or farther away from him.
Choosing life means choosing God. When you choose life, you prevent curses (which are simply the opposite of blessings) from taking hold. Moses' words are a reminder that your choices, both big and small, matter. Choose wisely. Choose life.
"God's grace gives you the freedom to choose between good and evil. God's love allows consequences to act as a guide, helping you make decisions that honor God while improving the quality of your life."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC
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