Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27, 2010 ~ Piecing Life Together...

Join me as we like Paul pray for a more complete life!

Today's Scripture:

May God himself, the God who makes everything Holy and whole, make you Holy and whole, put you together - spirit, soul, and body- and keep you fit for the coming of our master, Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:23

A jigsaw puzzle is made up of multiple parts. It is only when these parts are put together, when the puzzle is whole and complete, that you see the picture it was designed to display. Your life is the same way. Your life is made up of many complex components: family life, job, hobbies, physical experiences, hopes for the future, relationship with God. It would be easy to feel that your life is fragmented, like unconnected pieces of a puzzle that don't seem to fit. But, that isn't the way you were designed.

God designed you and I to be whole and complete, where every part of your life interconnects with his love and his plan.

This doesn't happen automatically or overnight. That is why the apostle Paul asked God to help the people in the church at Thessalonica to continue to move closer toward wholeness in their lives. He recognized that people cannot achieve the process of maturity that leads to wholeness through self-effort. It requires the power of God. Paul's prayer is one you need to pray for yourself.

Selah people' and friends ask God to help pull the pieces of your life together according to his original design. As you choose to keep God at the center of your life, you'll find your own unique "picture" becoming more complete. Your job, your relationships, and your dreams work together, linked to one another because they are each solidly linked back to God.

"Let Paul's prayer make you more aware of the big picture behind what's going on in your life. Ask God to help you get a better glimpse of what that really is."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Selah Christian Church

Four Oaks, NC

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