Is your treasure safe? Has God's wisdom been revealed to you?
In Christ all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are safely kept.
Colossian 2:3
In ancient Colossae, Gnosticism was all the rage. It was a reliegious cult that promised salvation through secret knowledge that was said to be delivered by angels. Even the group's name was derived from the Greek word for knowledge, gnosis. In his letter to the Colosssians, Paul wanted the church to be able to discern what was false from what was true.
Instead of seeking secret knowledge, Paul told people to seek Jesus - the source of knowledge itself.
Today people continue to seek the answer to life through intellectual or social pursuits, philosophical debate, and even angelic revelation. Yet what was true in Paul's day is still true today for us. Faith in Jesus is the only road to salvation and to the secrets of life. Faith comes from knowing God through personal experience, not intellectual pursuit. Any knowledge derived from that perfect source bonds people together in love; they do not pit themselves against one another to show off what they know. Selah people' and friends please remember that knowing God encourages a state of mind that is peaceful and secure.
Yet please know that this kind of knowledge isn't a treasure trove you acquire the moment you invite God into your life. It is something that's revealed one gem at a time as you dig deeper into the Bible. Focus on Jesus. Get to know him intimately, with your whole being. You'll find knowledge that's practical, eternal, and worth infinitely more than any doctoral degree.
"When you and I act on what we've learned by focusing on Jesus, you demonstrate wisdom. The more we put wisdom to use, the wiser we become. Join me in putting God's wisdom to good use!"
Your brother in Christ,
Rev Patrick Muston, Senior Pastor
Selah Christian Church
Four Oaks, NC